Raccoon 2 me 0

Well we have caught 4 and then last night nothing. I know nothing came by last night cause my daughter accidently left 3 eggs setting on the table near the coop and they were still there this morning. If the coon got wise to the trap it would have had an easy meal with the eggs. We are still setting the traps for awhile just in case. I am hoping that they are finding that the resturant has closed and they will have to go elsewhere for dinner.I am checking daily for any way that they can enter the coops, so far everything looks secure. I hope so anyway.Ive thought about electric fence but I have so many trees that they could just drop down from a tree so I dont think that will work. I was told that ammonia will deter them but that isnt good for the chickens so nix on that. I just hope that we have trapped the ones that found us and that the coops are better now so hopefully we wont have a repeat. Everyone around here says the coons are bad this year. Wish me luck.
I am a new chicken owner and wow; reading about all the predator's really makes me nervous to leave my chickens in their coop; i've been letting them come in to my porch at night where they have a temporary coop.
I am very sorry for your loss. I will have to beef up my coop before I let them stay the night outside.
We've caught 7 so far but nothing the past 3 nights. Either they realize they are not getting an easy meal, we have got rid of this round or they are regrouping for another assault. Either way they are not going to get anymore if I can help it. I have found the hard way if you think your coops are secure think again and look everyday for any waek spots or anyway anything can get in. I have also learned that a coon can get in through a hole as small as 4 inches. And if you are in an area that has minks fishers or the likes they can even get in smaller areas. Make sure your coops are like fort knoxs and then up security even more.
We have trapped 4 in the last 3 nights with no additional losses (found where they were getting in and locked it down) our area is over run with raccoons this year.
I know what you mean. I have been raising chickens for three years and this is the first time we have even seen raccoons. Now I know that doesnt mean there wasnt any around but we are seeing more and more all over. We have had a few problems with possums in the past being around not getting my chickens though. Got a few of my neighbors eggs, but my daughters boyfriend works for the railroad in town and he says the tracks are loaded this year with all kinds of animals. More so than in previous years. He works 3rds so he sees all the night hunting animals. He said raccoons are bad and lately he's been seeing quite a few coyotes. I'm wondering if its the drought we are in or the fact that we had such a mild winter. One of the guys at the feed store told me that they have sold out of traps twice this year which is unusual. My neighbor has been so lucky. I keep telling her that her luck will run out. She just has chicken wire around the base of her coop and she leaves the floor door open all night. She also has a baby pen that is just surrounded by regular window screen. The only thing I can think that she hasnt lost any so far is the fact that her dog pen is right next to the chicken pen and Sampson barks at anything. Maybe he is scaring them away, but that wont last for long. Once they realize that the dog cant get them they will go after hers.
I will give you an answer for the why? Simple...there is never only one, it will keep coming back which means more opportunity for it to find a weak spot and the way coons populate you could trap 50 and there will still be plenty to go around. I know this from experience having spent many nights shooting them for a friend...they just kept coming and killing. They went as far as to rip away piece of board to squeeze in, chewing through and ripping apart wire, latches must be coon proof because they have the dexterity of a human and can open latches with amazing speed and they are strong determined blood thirsty critters They destroy food stores and many of them carry rabies not to mention the external pests. For rodent control there are snakes, cats, bobcats, fox and even coyotes to name a few and traps for rodents so the coons are not irreplaceable if 100 were taken because they are too far removed from endangered.

I think those are enough reasons for trapping it...if you think I need more reasons, I can post plenty of pictures of their destruction to both coops and chickens. By the way...I stopped counting at 36 I killed for her and she had trapped at least 20 herself. While I am an animal lover, my chickens are mine not a meal for predators and this woman will shoot. :)
You rock !! I'm the same way ...

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