I have a group of "yard birds" some of them hatched together. I later added a bantam cochin cockerel and they accepted him. I have a pair of younger lav orps that i have been letting out daily and the yard birds are mean to them! I also tried adding another bantam cochin cockerel and i thought they were gonna kill him. I'm about to "process" the meanies (only mean to certain birds)
I have way too many boys I need rid of before winter.
Yeah I know what that is like. Two of my spring brooder group were injured by a predator. So I had them in a med bay while they healed. Now integration isnt going well. Why I am o. The site today actually. Here is to integrating before winter
I have another batch coming mid sept. Half for me, half for my dad. Better get going on my hoop coops. Lol