Raising Baby Chick-Along

I have a group of "yard birds" some of them hatched together. I later added a bantam cochin cockerel and they accepted him. I have a pair of younger lav orps that i have been letting out daily and the yard birds are mean to them! I also tried adding another bantam cochin cockerel and i thought they were gonna kill him. I'm about to "process" the meanies (only mean to certain birds)

I have way too many boys I need rid of before winter. :he

Yeah I know what that is like. Two of my spring brooder group were injured by a predator. So I had them in a med bay while they healed. Now integration isnt going well. Why I am o. The site today actually. Here is to integrating before winter

I have another batch coming mid sept. Half for me, half for my dad. Better get going on my hoop coops. Lol
Welp, these soon to be hatched chicks will actually be spending their time in the garage in a tub, but the heat pad stays with them, just got 4 10 week old pullets, a silkie, Show Girl, and 2 polish girls that will be in the brooder coop, fortunately, I haven't made the adjustments like wanted to, so this kinda works out still.

So true!!! Congrats and enjoy those cheeping babies!!!! They grow up so fast!
Yay!!! More babies :weelet me know how the heating pad works for you! I have read up on it but never tried it yet. Exploding heat lamps are scary! Fortunately I have not experienced this yet:fl

And i'll be sure to let you know how it works out! Might need to buy another to put on the top of the cave for extra heat.
The chicks are out of the brooder! While i was moving them i accidentally ran over with the Mule, my Papillon, Charlie! Poor guy. I thought we would have to put him down but he seems to be doing ok. His face seems the worst, it is swollen and tender but he is eating and drinking ok. Pretty tough old dog!
One of my Del's has gone broody--but she doesn't have any eggs. They are mad at me right now because I changed their feed. Co-op ran out of key ingredients and no estimate on when they'll be here, so I'm looking at either going to KY or AL to buy feed. ARG:th:he
So I think my first flock from May has become really accustomed to me tinkering and building in the yard. From building different coop designs to a quick yard screen house, they think everything I build is for them. I take out the chop saw and they could care less. Wood chipper they stare at but it is the loudest thing I own. I mow the grass and if I dont rake and give them the clippings right away, they are all squawk. One will even nip and once when I came to lock the door, hopped over my head to get to the lawn and proceeded to eat her full for 15 min. Then kindly stopped running around and went home. Like she doesnt get fresh grass nearly every day. I thought my contruction projects would be concerning if not frightening to them. But they mostly just seem curious. I was refurbishing a dresser and my rooster nearly bust through a garage window just to get a few looks. The first project not done for them or next to them. Anybody else have immensely curious birds? My new fall birds ship the 13th. Most of the construction complete before coming. I wonder if in spring when I start more crazy projects if the change is very alarming to them?
Mine don't care if I pound around, staple, saw, or whatever. The ladder seems to scare them for a minute. :confused:
oh, and the feed bags! They go nuts when i carry a big feed bag thru. Lol!
Ladder = New perch and they all love a new perch.
Feedbag (or in my case ammo can)=food and we all come a running.

I got some mortar shell ammo cans at the co-op, they're air tight, water tight and hold 35lbs of feed. I put one near each feed trough and each shelter.

That said, when I bring one into the pasture they know I've just filled it up. My turkey's are spoiled... I'll pop the top and they'll stand there and eat out of the can while I fill the trough. I'm happy they do it, because its a real pain to fill a feed trough with a line of butts in your way.:sick
Ladder = New perch and they all love a new perch.
Feedbag (or in my case ammo can)=food and we all come a running.

I got some mortar shell ammo cans at the co-op, they're air tight, water tight and hold 35lbs of feed. I put one near each feed trough and each shelter.

That said, when I bring one into the pasture they know I've just filled it up. My turkey's are spoiled... I'll pop the top and they'll stand there and eat out of the can while I fill the trough. I'm happy they do it, because its a real pain to fill a feed trough with a line of butts in your way.:sick

35lbs in one? :eek:
I'd never get an ammo can away from hubby though. :D
i used garbage cans. Have a couple metal and a couple plastic. Of course the plastic ones have lids chewed on by squirrels and critters. I have the treat scratch in those.

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