Rant-- Accountability -- edited for meaning

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and the sad truth is... those who would hurt, maim or trespass were not taught accountability or decided to go against better judgement. We as a population are sort of suffering from bad parenting IMO... and it just tears me up, because I get those kids who's parents can't do good by them. I know a lot of folks on byc do also so hopefully most of you understand where I'm coming from.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

And tell me where that quote is displayed and I'll send you a snickerdoodle!
I live in Colorado, the "make my day" state. I think Boyd might be mistaken with the notion that you can use deadly force to protect property. From my research, one may use your weapon to protect oneself but NOT property. Here we say shoot and pull the sucker into the house
I won't use a gun, so it's stupid to have one that a person would take and use against me. BUT I do have a couple of stun guns and I WILL use them with out batting an eye. I travel all over the country and feel safer with one in close proximity. One is easy to slip into my pocket, the other is a baton which extends to over a foot at the touch of a button. Thanks heavens I am careful and haven't had to use one. Yet.
I'll PM you the link
Oh, we have the castle doctrines here also, but I was actually quoting Ben Raines from William Johnstone's series. It sort of went with debs comment. It is a futuristic post holocaust type series.
I grew up with guns, learned how to shoot at about 10, and believe that people should be able to do whatever they need to to defend themselves and their families, especially in their own homes. I also think, having lived both way out in the country and in some pretty dangerous urban neighborhoods, that some people are more afraid of being attacked than is strictly rational based on their environment and personal history, and that the media bear a lot of the blame for that.

I also wonder if my teenage nephew would have had time to rethink his decision to take his own life if his stepdad's rifle and ammo had been locked away. Guess Boyd would say he made a poor choice with his life, and I'd have to agree, but guns do make taking a life - your own or someone else's - a little too easy. If you change your mind after taking an overdose or cutting your wrists you can call 911, but once the lead leaves the barrel it's too late for second thoughts.
It does speak of a deeper issue, here are some local examples:
1. Beautiful old cottonwood lined street, drunks hit trees, trees cut down to protect drunks.
2. Street with a lot of people run over by drunks, close street.
3. 27 yr. old drunk teases dog until dog bites, dog put down.
4. Beautiful hiking path in Franklin Mts. people leave path fall ignoring danger signs, path closed.

We are too busy trying to protect stupid people from themselves to let them learn to correct their own behavior.

LOL I find this so true.. Stupidity is contagious because we protect people from their mistakes..
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