Rasing coturnix on a large scale

Holy moly...
Now THAT's a large scale operation!
Yes please share photos!!
When I was a kid dad keep between 50 to 60 head of cattle & I hated it. It was to much work. This was done with square bails of hay & there was no 4 wheeler to run to the other end of the farm until I was about 14 or 15. There was many of times that we would run out of feed when the road to the farm was to wet to drive on so we through 100# of feed on our back (I carried 50# until I got big enough) & walk the quarter of a mile to the barn which luckily it was down hill most of the way. The bad thing there was a step hill to climb right before the barn. I promised myself that I would never do farming but I did get into birds because my family loves to eat them & it is a lot cheaper to raise & easy work. I love steak but no way will I ever get into beef cattle.

Funny story to go with this. Growing up we had steak every day except Sunday & that was chicken. I had my first job & worked with so city folk that was all talking about how a good steak would taste & how they wanted it prepared. I was setting there quit & they asked me how I liked mine & I said ground. They asked why & I told them that I was tired of steak & preferred it mixed with something else because I ate it every day. They thought I was barging.

My parents didn't have much money when I was young because there was 4 of us kids at home at one time. After I got older & I was the only one left at home things were a little different but we never had to wary about food, clothes, or a roof over our head. My mom & dad went through the depression & know how to live. We would plant a garden that would can & be rotated over a five year period. Even when we had a dry year or something didn't grow good we still had plenty.

My mom & dad was able to set a plan & not defer from it. They would reward themselves by using some of this year caned food for the winter sometimes. We always ate fresh for the summer.

They did chickens & hogs also but I can just barely remember a hog there & no birds. These things they could afford to get from the store after I was born & the beef was also a side income.
i have 15 feeder steers in the woods behind my house and a couple goats to keep some scrub weeds down i do my own butchering and put 3 hogs and a beef in the freezers every year I buy the hogs because its alot cheaper to buy 275-300 lb'ers than it is to raise them , last fall i bought 2 300lb hogs for $120 each , we grow a good part of what we eat i have a small garden at the house and split about 1.5 acre truck patch with another family , theres always plenty of work to be done
How hard is it to keep them fenced in until they finish growing, and how big do you let them get before butchering? Also, what's the average charge to have one processed? My wheels are turning, in case you couldn't tell...
You must sell some of these also.

I wish I had someone to teach me to do pork. I have never done it & would like to do my one. I have a friend that runs a processing shop but I never get a chance to watch & every time I ask him to pick up a pig for me he has 50# of meat in a cooler for me the next day. He never lets me pay for it nether.
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How hard is it to keep them fenced in until they finish growing, and how big do you let them get before butchering? Also, what's the average charge to have one processed? My wheels are turning, in case you couldn't tell...

Calfs are always getting out but stay close to the fence. You finish out a yearling around 800# & I have no idea what is is to process anymore it used to be 33 cents a #.

ETA: I think your talking about the beef.
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No, the hogs, although the info on the beef is also helpful since that's what DH wants to raise (just one calf at a time, though)
No, the hogs, although the info on the beef is also helpful since that's what DH wants to raise (just one calf at a time, though)

That's not a good idea. They get lonely & go roaming. You would probably never find it if it got out. You need to do at least 5 at a time. One also makes for easy pray.

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