Rat Lovers (PICS included)


I Am THE Crazy Duck Lady
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
I have 2 doe rats.
Lately I have been noticing that my hooded mink doe scout has got some scabs on her .
Ive found them on her feet, tail, and face.
My does dont fight and im worried about where they are coming from and how to treat it. If i use neosporin or something like that she may like i off, and im not sure if that is good for her.

Any suggestions?


I never had mine fight to the point of wounding. I woud check for parasites (i.e. fleas, mites, etc.). She might be scratching herself to the point of breaking the skin. I notice that the places you mention the scabs are on the locations with little or no hair, which may rule out fleas, but not entirely. Have you traveled lately? We are having a nationwide outbread of bedbugs. If it is bedbugs, then you will have them soon. Sounds like bath time for the rats and a complete laundering of anything cloth that they touch and sanitation of their home.


Good luck!!!!
Nope, No traveling. Im hoping it is nothing too serious. My mom suggested that she is rubbing up on the bars of her pen.
oh rats, love the pics! I haven't had a rat in years, but I love them!
Did a little search and here is one thing I found so far

# Why does my rat have little scabs on his/her skin? Scabs are usually one of two things...Mites or a high protein diet. If your rat has scabs try decreasing the protein in the diet. Common high protein foods are peanuts and dog food. If protein is not the culprit, you may have to examine your rat for mites or lice. talk to you vet about the safest mite and lice remedy for rodents.
Sounds like she has fleas which are very very hard to spot if she's scratching like that. But as for healing the scabs you don't need to, they're just little nicks. You may have to take her to the vet to get treated, I recommend using the horse wormer, that's what's worked best for my rats in the past.
My thing is, (and thanks all who posted) If It was fleas or a protein diet, why doesnt my other rat have the scabs as well? They share a pen and eat the same thing the other eats, on the exception that one like bananas and one like blueberries.
aww! Your girls look like two of my 3.
I am sorry I can't help you with the scabs, maybe she has her own personal little food allergy? or she's not liking the bedding you use? Good luck, I hope you figure it out soon!
At one time I raised rats.. They were so funny and cute..

my last one had to be put down due to a rat dieses that is very common.. forgot what it was but its really common in rats, and ferrets

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