Red feet and legs


In the Brooder
Sep 9, 2020
My hens are just starting to lay (21 weeks old) and my Orpingtons have really red legs. Doesn’t seem to bother them and not swollen. I put some antiseptic on it and no change. They free range all day and the coop is clean. Maybe just hormonal? Ignore the blue cote I had sprayed on her.
Thank you. Yeah I keep their roost clean and dry. They did also just start venturing into the woods on my property, can they get something like poison ivy?
Thank you. Yeah I keep their roost clean and dry. They did also just start venturing into the woods on my property, can they get something like poison ivy?
I don't know about the poison ivy. Likely not, but the feet themselves look slightly irritated, but I'm going to say it's due to being damp. If they just now starting venturing, then their feet may just need to "toughen up". Just a guess. I would keep watch on them for several days and see if it improves on it own.

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