Red sex link diet


Dec 6, 2021
Hello there!
I am new to this site so please bear with me.

In July I purchased a beautiful coop,run and 7, 14 month old, laying RSL hens. They have been lovely and have bulked up quite a bit as well as improved upon their egg shell quality since they became mine.

I feed an organic layer feed as of now and plan to ferment my feed very soon. They have access to grit and oyster shells from a mineral feeder

A couple weeks ago 1 of my hens went limp and was flopping around in my run. So I brought her inside and was supplementing her with vitamin b and grower feed as well as a brewers support. Sadly as she was looking up she went down hill 2x faster. We Los her.
4 days ago I looked out onto mu run and again, found a hen flopping about.

Alright, this time I brought this on right to the vet. No coccidiosis,egg binding, frostbite, crop was empty, plump and well red combed. Left her stumped. We decided that she was too far out and decided to humanely euthanize her with a fecal, necropolis, MERKS test to follow.

Then I went online and read about the horrible health truths behind sex link reds. I now k ow I have to increase their protein ad calcium more then a normal bird and hope to get 2-3 years out of them.

So my health and nutrition question here is, my rooster could suffer kidney problems for the added calcium I clearly need to make sure they can get through diet since they aren't tappinginto the oyster shells as much as they should be. How do i manage their deficiency without my rooster being effected?
Thanks in advance!!
I don't know what you red online, but - for the typical backyard owners, with the typical backyard flocks, under typical backyard conditions, an All Flock/Flock Raiser "ad libitum" (all the time - or at least all the waking hours) plus free choice oyster shell on the side is the best feed practice.

If you want to point us to what you read, and where, I'd be happy to pick it apart, separate truth from fiction, when i get the time. You are second poster this week believing there are big feed differences between sex links and heritage birds.

Initially, yes, Sex-links are famed for reproductive problems, sometimes as early as year two, more frewquently year three - but certainly not every bird, just more often than a bird which only only rarely drops eggs.
Hello Happyclucks.
Welcome to BYC.
Are these Ex Battery RSL hens?
Tinned Mackrel in water or olive oil is what I've been giving the Ex Batts I look after. It's a complete protein, very little fat, easy to digest and they'll eat it.
You also get the advantage of the extra vitamines and minerals there are in fish.
A small amount per day each, say one tin between the seven hens every other day.
The other thing I would consider is worming them if they are ex batts.

Red sex link diet​

In July I purchased a beautiful coop,run and 7, 14 month old, laying RSL hens.
I feed an organic layer feed as of now and plan to ferment my feed very soon.
I have had Red Sex-links (Golden Comets) in the past.
I currently have 2 ISA Browns (Red Sex-links) 19 months old and feed them a conventional Layers feed 16% Protein, available 24/7.
I get on average 5 eggs weekly from each.
I give a treat of Scratch Grains 1 Tbsp each twice daily scattered in their pen.
No additional protein.
I also have 3 Barred Rocks and 4 Rhode Island Reds, 6 months old and get 6 eggs from each weekly on average on the same diet. Today I got 9 eggs from my Pullets and Hens.
I have never fermented their feed. I do give them a wet mash made with Layers feed as a treat once daily during the summer.
You only need to feed a higher Protein feed if you overdo low Protein treats in my experience. GC

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