Red Sexlink and Golden sexlink - same?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
We've been raising chickens for 2 years now. Our preference has been the sexlinks by far. Our first year we bought 4 golden sexlinks from a local farmer's store. They spoiled us with fat brown eggs.

The next year I bought 3 black sexlinks from the same source. They are great layers too although the eggs are not as huge as the Golden's.

This year I wanted to add 3 more to the flock and we decided we would not get anything other than Goldens. (we live in city limits and can only have so many chickens, otherwise I'd have 2 of every breed!).. we searched locally, couldn't find any. So we went to the next big town, farmer's store. They had Red Sex Links. The man helping us claimed they were the same as Goldens. We took his word, I'm sure I'll be happy with them as I've loved all our sexlinks. They are friendly and prolific layers.

Short question - Was he correct? Same?
Essentially, yes, they are the same thing -- the whole red/gold thing is a matter of labeling. The crossing of a gold based cock (including red birds such as RIR) over silver based hens results in the chicks....the various breeds that can be used to accomplish this can result in chicks that vary quite a bit in shading with some being more red and others being more golden/buff in coloration so some folks like to separate them out as though they were two different "breeds", but the are the results of the same basic genetic crossing
What she said

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