Redneck winterizing!

Maybe we could get the manufacturers to print murals on the back of them. Be kinda 'cool' to have a beach scene out in the back yard when its -30*.
Waste Not......Want Not.....LOL! You go girl! Doing your part for recycling! LOVE the idea! Now....where did I put those empty feedbags?!?!?!?!
...Im SO glad Im not the only one who does this!
I was afraid people would think me rediculous for sewing old feed sacks together for a wind break for the winter!
Yeah, you would. Not a lot, but something to keep the wind off and protect them from the ice storms. Feed bags would be just about perfect.
Back in the day, companies sold flour, sugar, coffee and animal grain in bags made of canvas, and later out of printed cotton fabric. They had the brand info stamped on them in a washable ink. People used to soak the ink out of the sacks and use them for any sewing project that fit the size fabric they had. My grandma used to buy feedsack material and make aprons, dishtowels, napkins, quilt tops, and even little dresses out of them. It would be great to bring that back! However, these bags have lots of uses too and I love Wyodot's idea of murals!
hey I did that too!
I was SO proud of myself for thinking it up, I'm glad to see that other rednecks are using the bags as a resource. I did the inside of my chicken's old barn, so you can't actually see it from the outside but once you're in it's like a scene from Lost In Translation. It's cut down on drafts SOOO much.

Nice work!

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