Rescued chick from cat (*Update* Coop page 26!)

Belgian Sheepdogs...
Great dogs, just not for 1st time dog owners. They are very smart and will manipulate you if you let them.
But as far as snuggling goes.... they are TOPS. I have 3 and I will never be without one. They're like chickens..... Once you get hooked LOOK OUT!
I used to be a manager at a pet boarding facility while I lived down in Auburn. We had all different kinds of breeds coming in and we had a few Belgian Sheepies who visited a lot. I can confirm they are EXTREMELY smart animals, among the smartest breeds I've ever encountered. They'll get what they want, when they want it and you won't realize it until a week later
You could just look at them and see them thinking "Now, if I multiply the square root of 11 and divide it by the length of the kennel door and then add that to my weight.... then I will have out of this kennel in no time! *jumps over flawlessly*"
Alright got another little but of drama here. Again, I'm a new momma and I may just be worried about my babies, but my Floyd and Silkie, Elinette, have been acting just a little funny the past 24 hours. They'll just stand there, eyes closed, neck all "shoved" in lookin like and I felt around on their crops and they feel empty! Floyd really used to get mouth fulls and mouth fulls of this feed and eat until his crop looked like it was about to explode, and now he's just acting a bit lethargic and not eating much. It has been pretty cold here the past few days but I try and keep it as warm as I can for my babies. Could the change of temperature be affecting them?

As far as poops go, Floyd's is a mix of solid and pasty but no blood. I noticed Elinette had one bloody poop but it was her only one. The feed I give says it is medicated for the treatment and prevention of Coccidia. The EE is absolutely fine. She's perky, solid poops, and eating well. The other two are not so perky, pasty/solidish poop, so-so appetite but all three are drinking well. For their cage, I mix it up a little. I'll have all play sand in, then switch to grassy and some dirt with sand, then switch to "dry" dirt with sand. I've been doing this since I saved Floyd. Since they're getting bigger could it just be that I need to get a better type of grit other than sand? I really neglected the heat lamp and I'm regretting it. I'm going to stop by and get one wednesday (it's the earliest I can get one) and pick them up whatever you guys tell me to. I really want the best for my "kids" and I want them to be as healthy as they can be, so please, anyone, any suggestions will help a TON.

Floyd also acts like he wants to stretch, but stops half way. It breaks my heart so much... they look sad.
I just kept an extra heater in here to keep them warmer than the house. Now I have the cage sitting on the ground with the little heater next to it. They're bunched up as close as they can get to it. Floyd looks a little puffed out but I wouldn't say he's full-blown puffed. He's standing there with his eyes closed. Does he look puffed to you guys?

Do you have one of those microwave wheat bags or a hot water bottle?

Warm it up and put it against the cage, creating a 'wall of heat' they can snuggle up to it to get warm or move if they get too hot.
I would treat them with some corid just in case. I treat all my babies with it just as a preventative. I know the feed is medicated, but it just makes me feel better. I have a chick that had the same symptoms and it saved her, she is very healthy now!! I pray it stays that way!!

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I don't have either of those things. I have a rice bag that I sometimes heat up in the microwave for soreness, could that work? The heater is pretty small and i have it blowing to one corner of the cage and that's where they were huddled. I made sure to keep an area of the cage where they can go if they get too hot. Floyd seems to have perked up and is eating more but Elinette is still standing right next to the cage as close as she can get to the heat.

I'll get some electrolytes to put in their water when I can get out on Wednesday to get it. Would places like Wal-Mart have it? I think our feed supply store closes at 5 and I won't make it there in time when I get out of class.

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