Respritory illness

You said there was pink mucus in the eye? ILT usually causes bloody mucus to be coughed up and slung around on the walls of the coop. Since ILT is caused by a virus, it cannot be treated with an antibiotic. It will run it’s course over several weeks or months. It is hard to tell one respiratory disease from others without testing, but most of them make survivors carriers for life. This was probably posted earlier, but this link describes the common respiratory disease symptoms and treatments:
Spend the money for what
Spend money for testing or a necropsy, rather than Tylan 200.
His eye is actually almost healed the swellin has went down his eye is always open and the discharge is clear.

The one roo is real close to death. I've had so many die I know when there about to go and meds wont help.

I raise the birds all by myself my parents dont pay for anything. I've already spent alot of money on meds. And if you guys think it's more of ILT I'd rather just attempt to heal him myself or cull. Theres shipping costs the test costs. I already bought the tylan 200.
Actually, a necropsy is usually a good bargain. It depends on the state. They tend to do testing for things that you don’t realize, and many states give a nice report that explains the findings. Did you check to see if you could drive one in for a necropsy or how much they charge?
So for now I'm gonna keep him separate give him the tylan and colloidal silver. I know theres not much sciencetific back up behind it but I think it may help it works wonders on us humans so it's worth a try cant hurt. The one with the eye I think I'll give him tylan too just because he has some signs. Everyone meanin my whole flock will get colloidal in there water it's supposed to prevent it.

And I was wondering can I give the. The tylan for preventation?
I would not treat any birds that are not symptomatic.
Antibiotics will not treat a virus, they will only help with secondary infections.

I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. When you call the lab - ask them how you get a shipping label - even though you can drive there, it may be cheaper just to ship - I believe they have FedEx labels.

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