Respritory illness

Farm stores should have it, yes. You'll want to get small slip syringes too then, in order to dose it to him orally. @Eggcessive what was that oral dose again?

Oh, and you'll still need slip syringes to draw it from the bottle. Get 1/2" if you can, 20 or 18 gauge. Get a six pack and draw the daily amount with a fresh one each day. You'll want to draw however much you're taking out, say 1cc, into the syringe as air first, push it through the runner end, push the air in, then draw the liquid out.
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From what I've learned, if you haven't determined the cause of respiratory ,Tylan is the way to go. It will wither help the main problem or prevent concurrent bacterial infection, provided you give a full dose for 5 days. Always do a full course if you choose antibiotics.
Whatever they have in 3cc syringes will be fine, the slip is just easier for oral dosing. Just make sure you get syringes and needles that match. They both come in slip and lock, and they won't work if you buy one of each.
In my opinion, it can't hurt. Respiratory of unconfirmed cause gets 5 days of Tylan in my world. If they improve fast, suspect mycoplasma or something bacterial. If not, it's viral and you usually can't do anything but support them with that. Which includes preventing secondary bacterial infections (Tylan etc) and keeping them warm and dry. As long as you give a full dose for 5 days, you aren't hurting anything. Especially in males.

Bantams, right?

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