Reuse it!

We do this but we use lint from the dryer
used cardboard egg cartons-----

fill the compartments with shreds from the paper shredder and top with melted old candles. when set, cut into individual cuppies. Makes dandy firestarters

instead of shredded paper we use dryer lint​
i remember as kids we'd take tuna fish cans and roll up cardboard and stuff it inside them. then we'd use either old candles or parafin to fill them the "sterno" under an upside gallon can (dont forget to cut holes in the back for the smoke to escape) and you have a handy portable campstove....

also, i've recently discovered that any kitchen grease not kept for cooking will do the same thing...not as easy to start them, but there's enough grease from a pound of 80/20 hamburger to fry the next pound! it does have an odor to it though!
We buy our bread at costco -- they wrap two loaves in a giant plastic bag -- and I use the big plastic bags in my diaper genie instead of diaper genie refills, which are $5/ea.

Scraps from my husband's wood shop become handy kindling.

I save all the bubble wrap from shipments we get at work for packing hatching eggs in the spring.

90% of my kids' toys and clothes are hand-me-downs.

When my printer spits out stuff I don't need (the last page of an email with nothing on it but the date, etc.), I turn it over and put it back in the paper feed for reuse.

Empty plastic animal cracker bins from costco make great places to put apple chips, jerkey sticks, or other homemade snacks.

My husband builds awesome chicken coops entirely out of pallets and scrap.

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