Ribh's D'Coopage

Suyin has me guessing.
Not a sight nor a sign of the staggers since she went into isolation.
She's actually looking pretty good.
I will have a better idea when I put her to bed tonight.
I think not having to compete for food has been a good thing. She actually looks like she has put on a tiny little bit of weight & her food dish was empty when I fed everyone this afternoon. She doesn't eat a lot @ any one time but grazes the whole day.

Her poops are looking better ~ not solid but a vast improvement on the watery jet she was ejecting yesterday.

She was allowed into the run for a change of scenery & a dust bath after everyone else went back in the coop ~ not hard because I had cleaned. I don't know what they think happens when I clean but it's like they expect me to have done major renovations & every last corner has to be inspected & approved. :lol:

You may be right @BY Bob. Perhaps she ate something that disagreed with her. :confused::idunno
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I would want to know that s she is eating. Can you keep giving her her own food supply somehow?
Oh! Wow! Really? In USofA? They look like they are doing really well. You know to cut back after flowering, don't you? Where the flower has been, or they can grow really scraggy. I am super impressed. I have never, ever, seen this grown outside of Oz. If asked, I'd've said it couldn't. And you have heaps of them! Does your nursery specialise or something?
In South Africa, they are an invasive alien.

Suyin has me guessing.
Not a sight nor a sign of the staggers since she went into isolation.
She's actually looking pretty good.
I will have a better idea when I put her to bed tonight.
I think not having to compete for food has been a good thing. She actually looks like she has put on a tiny little bit of weight & her food dish was empty when I fed everyone this afternoon. She doesn't eat a lot @ any one time but grazes the whole day.

Her poops are looking better ~ not solid but a vast improvement on the watery jet she was ejecting yesterday.

She was allowed into the run for a change of scenery & a dust bath after everyone else went back in the coop ~ not hard because I had cleaned. I don't know what they think happens when I clean but it's like they expect me to have done major renovations & every last corner has to be inspected & approved. :lol:

You may be right @BY Bob. Perhaps she ate something that disagreed with her. :confused::idunno
View attachment 2359403
Awww, she's lovely.:love
Hi there, oldhen2345! :frow I didn't get exactly what I wanted either but as I didn't have to build it I am not complaining! :D
I know- six years later, the thing is still good as new. I have made some changes though- enlarged the nesting boxes- I got bigger hens, took out the side wall- made it a door that I can open to clean out the coop. He built the left side as a door, but I wanted to open both sides up, sooo, I made another door. It doesn't look nearly as good as his, but I am not a carpenter, LOL
I love maples but they don't do well in our climate. We tried. We had 1/2 a dozen miniatures in the bush house where they were surviving quite well but we lost them when we planted them out. :( So many things have a shortish lifespan too. I had a Yesterday, today & forever which needs replacing & a night jasmine. The scent was wonderful! I am determined to try for a lilac if I can find a spot it might just survive...I love scented plants!
I love scented plants also. I have a beautiful Carolina Jasmine growing outside my bedroom window. I recently planted a Tea Olive tree- also called a Fragrant Olive. I am so pleased with it, although it is slow growing. I have gardenia in my front beds, love the smell. Also, 5 drift roses, the smell is not very strong, but the blooms are plentiful and make great arrangements in the house. The only fragrant thing I hate so far is that blamed honeysuckle- that invasive sucker has almost killed the crepe myrtle on the side of the house. I have had a real battle trying to get that removed from the yard. Any suggestions on fragrant trees or bushes I can put in the back that takes full sun??
When our kiddies were little we had a Dally for a while. She was a really lovely dog. Great with the children & a great protector as they roamed the scrub but when we lost her [paralysis tick] I said never again. I don't have the time to train a dog really well & an untrained animal annoys me.

I take care to keep my cats as under control as possible ~ them being cats & all ;)~ they're inside before dark & usually they don't roam far from home but we were having something of a *white night* last night & in his wanderings John left the front door ajar & of course Kirby escaped & wouldn't come so he had a night outside & is very sheepish this morning! Ditto the chooks. They weren't being good girls & now everyone is penned!:lau
What is a *white night*? Second time you've mentioned it and I have no idea, since you're not living near either of the poles?

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