Ribh's D'Coopage

Here beginneth the unedited version of our chicken trip:
What I use for bringing chickens home is the cat carrier. Sometimes I borrow a spare one from the island dog groomers [yeah, I know; weird. We don't have essentials but we have a dog groomer :confused:] Sometimes I just take a box.

This time it was a carrier & a box. The man strapped the carrier to the trolly & shot off @ 100 miles an hour to avoid the rain. Somewhere along the way he lost the carrier door, which we didn't discover until we went to put birds in the carrier. :eek: Meanwhile I discovered that our Vorwerks were more expensive than anticipated, being older pullets so the man bundled himself back into the car & toddled along to the produce store just down the road to look for a carrier & get out extra money. He was gone so long we began thinking he'd got lost on a straight stretch of road.

Not that the time was wasted. I went through every brooder looking @ all Natasha's chicks ~ which is how I got caught between taking Wyandottes or my lovely Japs. I am very fond of Wyandottes & was in a terrible dither by the time the man finally arrived, having been assured there were no carriers to be had so purchased, what turned out to be a perfect buy, a brooder that held all 4 Vorwerks comfortably for the trip home. The Littles went in the box but I had the brooder to set them up in for the next few weeks.

Natasha, seeing what a dither I was in, asked how many of the Japs I wanted. I said I'd take both & she offered them to us for free!!! Gob~smacked. Couldn't do it to her so I asked her to send her details through & I'd do a direct bank transfer as soon as we got home, which we did, so I actually got more birds than I had the actual money for @ the time. This is probably not a good thing...

I think the man may be partially responsible as he got in Natasha's ear & blathered I was this nutty chicken lady who actually spent time with her tribes talking to them & being talked to & I guess she figured her girls were coming to a good home.

And should I blush for admitting I sent pictures through showing the new girls settling in & the older ones all grown up & running with my big Girls?
Sounds like quite the adventure! I'm glad you brought home some extras & they have definitely landed in an amazing home! 💞

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