RIP, Sweet Glenda

Oh Cynthia, I am so sorry to hear about Glenda. She was sure pretty and thanks for sharing the reactions of your hens and Isaac. She is in good company with all the others across the Rainbow Bridge.
What amazes me, spending so much time observing my birds as closely as I do, is the emotion they exhibit, or seem to. The reaction when one of their own passes on in their midst is touching and gut-wrenching to see. They have such dignity at those times. People who treat and think of their chickens as just livestock, who never actually see what I've seen, would probably snort in derision at me, but that's fine. I feel privileged to have known these humble little creatures. Wish I'd gotten the urge to have chickens sooner. They've enriched my life immeasurably. (no, I will not have a "house chicken", LOL. I do draw a line somewhere-no offense intended to those who do have them ).
Wow, so sorry to read this. Hadn't seen it before now. Was busy picturing you having a fun day in Maryville yesterday and had no idea you'd had this happen.

Thanks, Angie. Of all the ones I expected to find dead (internal layers, again), Glenda wasn't one of them. She was such a vibrant, healthy hen.

Lori, we were back home by 5 p.m. It wasn't as fun as I'd hoped, but I did see the Cracker Barrel and thought of you, LOL!

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