RIR with white eggs?

I have all brown egg layers and one day I got an egg I really thought was white so I asked my neighbor if he had a store bought egg I could compare it with, and what I thought was white was nowhere near white compared to the store bought egg so if you're used to brown you may think a very light tan egg is white compared to the rest. And those eggs do look like a light brown to me too...
A very dilute solution. That's the FDA's recommended process for killing bacteria on the outside of farm eggs for resale in stores.
I'm going to toss out an observation & theory. Keep in mind, this is MHO & from a newbie. I have free-ranging Amber Links & a couple Barred Rocks, that were laying nice brown eggs all summer & fall. Not like Marans or Welsummers chocolate, but darker enough to bring comments from customers & other chicken owners. When temps cooled, I promise their eggs got noticeably lighter. '
' Unless all chickens lay much darker pullet eggs & eggs lighten up as they age, I wonder if since the bugs died back, they're getting less supplemental protein or something else in their "summer diet". '
' If that's the case, I'm hoping they'll be darker again when warm weather arrives. Sound crazy or something to consider? Just a thought!
Your logic sounds good. I can't say there is any factual evidence, but I would tend to agree with that based on my observations alone.

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