Roo or Hen? EE or Ameraucana?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 17, 2010
Vancouver WA
I am new to chickens. I am a little worried that my lady here might not be a lady at all! Can you tell me what you think? Also, she was sold to me as an Ameraucana. After looking at so many posts about Ameraucanas, I am thinking maybe she is not.

Can you give me your opinion and let me know what about her brings you to your conclusion? Thanks in advance.


Easter Egger and a cockerel. Girls cannot come in that color pattern, and he's certainly got a boy tail, boy wings, and a reddening comb.

Ameraucanas can only come in so many colors, and they cannot have green legs.
Roo would be my guess too. Very pretty. I would love to have him (or a double of him), but Hubby has vetoed the possibility of having a roo. Hubby is a night owl and I'm a morning lark.
I would love to see what kind of babies he and Georgia and Martha would make...
But his tailfeathers look more roo and also his legs/abdomen. I'm guessing no crow yet? How old? I don't know about EE/Ameraucana/cross colored Ameraucana S/he looks much like my EEs - and they are gorgeous IMO as well. I'd say he is definately a keeper and not soup (unless his disposition turns ugly).
No crow yet. A friend of mine had a chick from the same shipment and he started crowing on Sunday. Her bird has always seemed a bit more mature than mine so I have been crossing my fingers. The tail feathers were what was bothering me.

I would love to keep him. We are not supposed to have roosters although I know at least one of our neighbors does and no one has given them any problems. I am so attached to him already!
Where are you from? We aren't allowed chickens at all...
If someone complains just let someone borrow him for a bit and bring him back.
And not all roosters crow... wouldn't that be PERFECT!

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