rooster &hen attacked by dog seemed fine now rotting weak and maggoted


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
a few days ago a stray dog got into my yard and attacked my flock..... one was found dead im DIEING.. the other hurt bad... and a few plucked feathers on some and a sore wore out rooster with some feathers missing off his back nothing too major.... he has seemed quite depressed.... we wound up loosing the injured bird and today checked on rooster again to see if he is depressed and mopey or was he just sore.... we is lathargic and now he was covered in maggots... i rinsed the HELL out of him and then i soaked him in dawn dish soap to try to drown the maggots keeping just his head above water.... now what appeared to be a lil sore from having his feathers plucked out has turned into rotting devoured flesh and hasa green hue to it that my husband....the roasters "Daddy" INSIST is just the color of his skin.... i DONT think so.. he is a pure barred rock black and white checkered looking thing.... cop says cant find dog owner go figure... i cant afford a vet but if need be.... cop says it aint savable and .... put him down but.. he is our two year old pet..... i laid in blankets in sunshine and napped with him!!!!!!!! HE IS LIKE MY cat/dog!!!!!!!!!!!!! help me... ive already lost my lil mother bantam hen she also was part of the original click / flock, two years old and subshine my buff is from this spring... but malcom he is still alive and he is my two yr old rooster... HELP ME... maggots keeep "APPEARING" i cant drown the suckers... im sure some have managed to find a way inside.... he is smelly deformed looking and rotting but... WHAT steps can i move TOWARDS aANY possible recovery... i know it is near hopeless so dont need ya to say that say ANYTHING i can do towards TRYING to save him please. my kids 7 and 6 yr old already lost two and i cant loose another i cant i cant.
I am so sorry. I know how you feel about putting them down. Sometimes I can do it, but with my older chickens, who are pets, they go to the vet. The vet just charges me for an office visit.
I am sorry that your are going through this. To prevent more maggots from appearing, you need to get all of them out of the flesh. Run your rooster under a stream of water to try and rinse off as many maggots as possible. Then, use a tweezers or your fingers and spend a while plucking out each individual maggot. Do this for a few days in a row, as there will be some small maggots that only are visible when they grow larger.

If possible, I would also put some bluekote, vetericycin (not sure if that is spelled right), or antibiotic ointment (none that contains any "caine" ingredients--those aren't good for birds) on the wound. This will at least somewhat help prevent infection. Maybe use some Hydrogen Peroxide to clean the wound, too. Make sure your rooster eats and drinks, and keep him warm and comfortable. Other than that, I'm not sure what else you can do, besides hope for the best.

Perhaps someone with more maggot experience will come along and add to my info...
Okay first calm down! Chickens are incredible! A lot of times....with TLC, they can survive trauma that most of us could not! Put him inside in a warm quiet place. After y'all are calm....put him back in the bathe with Dawn and add a splash of vinegar. (apple cider is best) Keep his head up....just like you did. Let him soak. The maggots that have hatched will die. I know maggots are gross but they are not all bad. They have been eating the dying flesh from his wounds. Now you just need to stop them before they go any further. Look for any yellowish sticky clumps. Those are fly eggs that will hatch into more maggots. Try to gently dislodge them into the water. Make sure he does not get chilled after the bathe. Keep him quiet and warm/dry.

Is he eating/ drinking? Do you have any poultry vitamins, yogurt, pedialyte, Neosporin(without pain reliever)? Advice can follow if you have any of these. Just please don't use any type of "bug sprays" on him.
thanks for speedy answers.... i have sprayed the hell out of his butt...... most of maggots are gone and i soaked him for a while to try to drown the maggots * i guess they dont drown?* now gonna wash wound with saline treatment for human eyes and do the iodine and anti biotic ointment on him.... but since the flesh is rotting....... im thinking anti biotic may be a bad thing...keeping the flesh moist and all... what do you all think?
antibiotics are never bad, especially if you were seeing "green flesh", watch for a bad odour too. The Vetericyn spray that someone else mentioned is good, you can get a VF (veterinary formula) from the vets. The spray is good for getting bacteria and the VF will help with the infection as well. Keep checking for maggots daily (no they don't drown easily!). You can always ask at your local farm supply store for any sprays etc that they may have. But I think it will all depend how far the maggots have gone....
scrubbed off skin with a facial make up applicator or remover pad..... rinse well past affected area with jet spray in shower in head make sure to get into and holes or "crackers" gaps.. rinsed with peroxide and used a a medicine thingy to squirt peroxide into holes and crevices. rinsed with a saline solution for eyes then wiped smeared and covered his affected and then some area with iodine. squished antibacterial ointment into holes and crevices... now he is drying and his skin looks much healthier after the scrub fingers crossed.... has sooo much trauma and pain and suffering from all directions of life in the past two months dont know how much more of an edge i have. This bird simply WILL LIVE! *sighs* update to be given in am
povidone-idoine solution 10% is the type of iodine.. i sprayed with him the jet spray on my water hose when i first found the maggots. the i soaked him in a tub of water with dawn bubbles and made him sit in it for 5 - 10 minutes or more. then i brought him inside and scrubbed off skin with a facial make up applicator or remover pad..... rinse well past affected area with jet spray in shower in head make sure to get into and holes or "crackers" gaps.. rinsed with peroxide and used a a medicine thingy to squirt peroxide into holes and crevices. rinsed with a saline solution for eyes then wiped smeared and covered his affected and then some area with iodine. squished antibacterial ointment into holes and crevices... now he is drying and his skin looks much healthier after the scrub fingers crossed
did not use bug spray only have generic cuts and things for my kids nothing major for emergencies and cant go to supply store at the moment scrubbed dead skin off him and i see no more maggots ATM and not eggs... i am worried a small hole may be fairly deep...... sprayed peroxide...saline..iodine into it and then cramed it all full of anti bi. ointment. and truth be told.. my voice and body are calm.... it is my mind that is going crazy.. not to mention.... my family *snarls* he will sleep inside in my room until he is waking me up at four am with his crowing and new feathers hopefully able to form.. aka a while.

PLEASE feel free to text/call me as long as it is august 30 or 31 2013 ! three one four two five five eight five five four.
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