Rooster started humping my TV remote.šŸ˜±

Washematterwivu! Get those nappies off him and buy yourself a decent bit of leather kit like boots. Honestly, plastic! Going for a kink do it right.
Dear OP, I apologize for some of the more insensitive peeps on this thread. There was a member who kept a house duck and everyone was so supportive. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™ve not been as supported. Itā€™s no different really. As long as you give the rooster plenty of company (like spending time with him), he should be okay. I hate the double standard some people have :/
Just the ones that you can't train to use a litter box or be let outside to poop.šŸ™ƒ

Now I am imagining people all over the globe releasing their snakes, hamsters, iguanas, finches, monitors, guinea pigs, tarantulas, stick bugs, hermit crabs, and countless other pets all over the globe....

Only to replace them with mini pigs because they can be litter box trained. :lau
Now I am imagining people all over the globe releasing their snakes, hamsters, iguanas, finches, monitors, guinea pigs, tarantulas, stick bugs, hermit crabs, and countless other pets all over the globe....

Only to replace them with mini pigs because they can be litter box trained. :lau
Ooooohhh.. stick bugs... which is funny, i was actually considering an indoor butterfly cage before i decided on house chickens šŸ” šŸ¦‹

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