Rooster with respitatory infection


In the Brooder
Nov 3, 2016
I have a rooster that has been very sick for 3 days. I started giving him shots of Tylan 50 two days ago. He isn't better but he isn't worse. Both eyes are swollen shut and he has very labored breathing. He isn't eating or drinking. My question is, is it fair to him to keep trying or should we put him down? I don't want him to suffer but he has made it this far. Also, if we keep him alive and he gets over this will I ever be able to put him back with the flock or will he always be a carrier?
He will always be a carrier for whatever your boy has. If you put him into the flock he will infect the other if he hasn't already.

Tylan 50 is a great treatment for most respiratory infections. It should be dosed 3 times a day at .2cc per pound. Usually by the 3rd day of proper treatment they improve tremendously.

It is up to you whether to cull or not. If you do save him he will infect the others when you put him back. Or you can keep him completely separate and always handle him last after the healthy birds and always wear different clothing near him and the others and disinfect your shoes between pens.

I am sorry you're having to deal with this and I wish you the best.
well if they all have in then it won't hurt to put him back if he gets well then.
well if they all have in then it won't hurt to put him back if he gets well then.
well if they all have in then it won't hurt to put him back if he gets well then.
correct. If they have been together for a while, even for just a day while he was sick they are likely infected. Some show symptoms, some never do. Poultry disease is strange in that way.
They was together for one day. I thought he may be sick Saturday, saw a little foamy eye but when I went back to check on him he was fine. Sunday morning he had a very foamy eye so I removed him from the flock. I haven't had chickens long, this has been frustrating!

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