Liz Birdlover

Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jan 6, 2018
Delaware, USA
Please give me your feedback about your experiences with those beautiful, protective and zany Roosters - having more than 1, adding more, what you've done and how you've managed.

Although I've had experience with various birds, I'm fairly new to the Chicken World. I love my Roos dearly, they have such unique personalities. I also know that Roosters can fight viciously, and I really prefer NOT to see that in person, especially in my own flock. I've read many ways to blend a hen flock, but most people say don't try to introduce an extra Roo.

What I've got...1 big, aggressive Barred Rock Roo & Hen both 3 yrs old.
What I just recently got...A group of sweet Ameraucanas 2 very young Roos, which I've had to separate already due to comb pecking each other, and a group of 9 Hens.

So as of right now, I have 3 groups, due to small accomodations over winter, which I will change once the weather improves, to a 12x24 coop. The coop I started with...well, it'll be the "Nursery Coop" for when I put a pair I want to breed in there.

So the new 12x24 coop will be worked on as soon as weather improves.
I'm thinking I'll need 3 sections in that coop, to give each Roo and his little harem their own space.
I guess I'll need 3 safe pens, and 3 mobile tractors, that's no issue, I can build stuff.
I'd really love to let them have free range time together, though, on about 2 acres of grazing, while I am home gardening so I can break up any squabbles. Will I be breaking up squabbles more than gardening?

I just wonder, can I try to have them all together without worrying they'll have a serious fight?
If they're cramped in a small space they'll fight, but if given a large area, will they just establish a pecking order and then leave each other alone, or will they injure or try to kill each other?

Sorry to be long winded...trying to give you as much info as I can.
Adding roosters into the flock has went just fine for me. Just get in their and break them up if they start fighting. Wear long pants. Usually the older rooster starts to fight and the younger weaker one backs down quickly.
Adding roosters into the flock has went just fine for me. Just get in their and break them up if they start fighting. Wear long pants. Usually the older rooster starts to fight and the younger weaker one backs down quickly.
Just afraid, love the Baby Roo so much, he is a gentle soul, a little EEr and is a love bug. The older 2 are larger, and they're scrappers, real twinkle toed, fancy footwork, side steppin, spur jumping ninja kickers. LOL
You can try it, a lot depends on the roosters, the space, the time of year and your own tolerance. If it goes south, as in a bad way, you need on hand ready to go, a plan B, whereas you can separate them. I have found a 4-5 foot fish net a very handy tool for catching an upset bird. A separate secure pen, such as a dog crate is quick to use.

Personally, I always solve for the peace in the flock. I think tension in the flock, caused by fighting birds not worth keeping everyone for me. I do like having two set ups, but I would not like more than that. I would rather have a single space where a flock of birds has more space, than several separated groups in smaller spaces. But we all do this hobby differently, have different goals, and wishes.

Mrs k
Like almost anything else in this world a rooster will not fight another rooster as long as the non aggressive rooster shows the correct amount of humility and contrition to the top dog rooster. The correct amount of humility can be anything up to and including the non fighting rooster allowing himself to be used as a girl friend. Without displaying humility to the alpha chicken the fight will be on. Or as Shakespeare said in ACT 5 Scene 8 of his play Macbeth, "Lay on Macduff, and da*ned be him who first cries, HOLD, ENOUGH"
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