Rouen Duck thread

I am pretty familiar with Albany. I grew up near Enterprise, Alabama and I was stationed at Albany at Turner AFB when it closed.
It closed in 1967. There were B-52s there, the black ones that you see in the Vietnam movies. We were the first B-52D wing to deploy to the Vietnam war. The Miller Brewry sits on the 12,000 foot runway. On the road between GA 300 and highway 19 you will find Turner Field Road. Miller has a web site about Turner.
It closed in 1967. There were B-52s there, the black ones that you see in the Vietnam movies. We were the first B-52D wing to deploy to the Vietnam war. The Miller Brewry sits on the 12,000 foot runway. On the road between GA 300 and highway 19 you will find Turner Field Road. Miller has a web site about Turner.
1967 that's why I never knew about it way before my time I do know where miller brewery is grew up right down the road from there sounds interesting thanks for some albany history :)
Beautiful as always 3 acres! How's them eggs? Anything yet?
An egg everyday now this week from my oldest Pekin, but nothing from my Rouens yet. Are the eggs suppose to stink to high heaven? They smell like pond water real bad. I want to eat one real bad, but can't bring myself to do I'm usually not real picky, but these have been bad! I haven't even fed them to the pigs.

edited: meant to put thank you! I appreciate it in there but got side tracked thinking of the stinky
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An egg everyday now this week from my oldest Pekin, but nothing from my Rouens yet.  Are the eggs suppose to stick to high heaven?  They smell like pond water real bad.  I want to eat one real bad, but can't bring myself to do  I'm usually not real picky, but these have been bad!  I haven't even fed them to the pigs.

edited:  meant to put thank you!  I appreciate it in there but got side tracked thinking of the stinky

Lol hmm I'm not sure about your stinky egg problem. I've never had that unless they were bad. Are the eggs bad? Have your ducks been drinking the funk water???

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