Rouen Duck thread

Your a horrible person!

No, I'm not. You're the horrible person here for not being kind, accepting, and respectful of others. Why can't we all get along, even if we don't agree with the others' methods?
And how do you think beef is made? In a factory? No, sweetheart, the cattle has to die too. Even baby sheep die, those little fuzzy lambs- that's how lamb pops are made.
I'm not the horrible one here.:)
No, I'm not. You're the horrible person here for not being kind, accepting, and respectful of others. Why can't we all get along, even if we don't agree with the others' methods?
And how do you think beef is made? In a factory? No, sweetheart, the cattle has to die too. Even baby sheep die, those little fuzzy lambs- that's how lamb pops are made.
I'm not the horrible one here.:)

I understand that. I eat duck too but not the ones I have raised from little babies and follow me like I'm their mom.
I understand that. I eat duck too but not the ones I have raised from little babies and follow me like I'm their mom.

Wel I'm sorry, I don't read minds. You never once implied this duck of yours was imprinted on you.
All my ducks are treated like ducks and are very independent, safe, and happy. They trust and like me, but they are happier together as a flock.
No, I'm not. You're the horrible person here for not being kind, accepting, and respectful of others. Why can't we all get along, even if we don't agree with the others' methods?
And how do you think beef is made? In a factory? No, sweetheart, the cattle has to die too. Even baby sheep die, those little fuzzy lambs- that's how lamb pops are made.
I'm not the horrible one here.:)

Come on guys we can all get along. You are being kind of condescending though or Adleast that's the tone I'm getting. We all have different methods and that's ok. I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat or kill any of it. I personally don't agree with it but would never judge another user. :)
Aww I would never eat my ducks or chickens. If he can't get along with others I'm sure keeping him as your pet is fine as long as he has enough company. Also if you have chickens keep a close eye. During mating season a duck can breed a chicken to death if he doesn't have a mate. Good luck. :)

And that's fine. I don't expect anyone else too. :D
Come on guys we can all get along. You are being kind of condescending though or Adleast that's the tone I'm getting. We all have different methods and that's ok. I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat or kill any of it. I personally don't agree with it but would never judge another user. :)

Sorry. :( I was trying to be nice. I just find it very frustrating when others can't put their differences aside and focus on what brings us together: our birds. I love my ducks and only eat what I'm forced to. And I understand completely if someone has a house duck as a pet. I would never try to tell anyone they have to do anything. I respect people who have their beliefs, and respect others'. When they have their beliefs and don't respect others', and start calling names, then I get frustrated. :/
Sorry. :( I was trying to be nice. I just find it very frustrating when others can't put their differences aside and focus on what brings us together: our birds. I love my ducks and only eat what I'm forced to. And I understand completely if someone has a house duck as a pet. I would never try to tell anyone they have to do anything. I respect people who have their beliefs, and respect others'. When they have their beliefs and don't respect others', and start calling names, then I get frustrated. :/

It's ok I think we all do. I personally think it was just a honest misunderstanding. It happens to all of us. :)
It is amazing to me how many threads I am seeing a repeat of this theme :/. She is not a horrible person. And unless you are a vegetarian, you are a Hippocrite. There is nothing wrong with her not seeing her animals as "babies" they are animals. You can decide not to eat your birds, I do not care (though you should ask others about the potential dangers of keeping an imprinted duck).

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