Rouen Ducks. Surprise Green Egg.


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Mar 12, 2018
Plainfield, IL
My Coop
My Coop
We have 4 Rouen ducks (3 ducks and 1 drake). I purchased 3 (2 ducks and 1 drake) of them together from Farm and Fleet last Spring. The 4th on free came as a rescue from a family who could no longer keep their ducks. They were just as certain the duck was a Rouen, having purchased it as such from TSC as a duckling. They left gave us a Pekin drake too, but he had to go due to the drake/ratio that resulted in the ducks being aggressively bred too often.

In late Summer and throughout the Fall we were getting duck eggs. They were all white. Then the ducks stopped laying with ther insert of Winter. Now, with winter in full swing mind you, the ducks began laying again. I just collected eggs groom yesterday and today (we didn't get out to the coop yesterday). I was shocked to see two green eggs in addition to two white eggs. I understand that ducks can lay varying egg colors, but do Rouens lay green and/or white eggs? Do I possibly have a duck who is not a Rouen?
They all look like Rouens. One duck has a lighter shade of brown feathers than the others, but otherwise looks the same.

Here's pics of the duck eggs dirty and cleaned (the brown/tan eggs are from chickens so you can ignore those).

Any possibility that one of your duck hens might be a mallard ? Can you post pictures of them ?
I do know that Rouens ancestors are Mallards. My ducks all seem too fat and uncapable to fly to be mallards. This isn't a great shot and we got rid of the white Peking drake in this pic months ago. I don't have a better pic and it's dark out now.

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