Rouen eating everything! Help!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Our 6 month old rouen just started laying like 10 days ago and she has developed a weird "pica-like" habit and she is trying to eat all these pad things. She has peeled paint off of the garden wall to eat, she was eating caulking yesterday, and she tried to peel pain up off our floor to eat when we brought her inside. She has stopped quacking and only makes her chatter noise when she is happy or running towards another duck. I don't know what to do. Any advice?? She always has access to fresh water and I change their food frequently.
I do know because ducks lack hands they use their bills to explore and are pretty similar to a toddler. Is she actually eating the stuff or just poking away at it?

what is the diet? quacking wise, i haven't seen a change in any of mine after they came into lay, that said they do change up their vocals somewhat depending on the situation.

How does she seem otherwise? eyes clear and bright? alert, etc.

She seems bright and alert, but a little slower than normal. She is typically the wild one and lately she has been much slower. We stopped her from eating the paint, I think, but she may have gotten a piece down before I could get to her. The caulking on the other hand, she seemed to really be eating. We brought her in for an indoor bath in our tub and she would lick at the caulking and then drink the water and so on. It didn't look like she was getting anything up, but she sure was acting like she was.
Oh! And they are on layer crumble pellet mix with some corn in it for added fat for the winter.
Do you offer oyster shell? yes, i know layer has extra calcium but i still like birds to be in control of their intake and sometimes some need extra. It's odd with the caulking, i would keep the birds away from any area that has something that could be harmful.

Mine often 'test' things but don't eat foreign objects that said anything is possible, do you have grit for them? while my main flock free ranges i do put some out for them anyways.

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