*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Gwaine mean-mugging my dog :D The dark chocolatey hen with the little white hat. She's always ready to take him on! Azula gave a bit of a charge as well, brave little man, but he's no match for Gwaine's sass!

Sorry it filmed sideways... I have no idea why, or how to fix it.
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We finally did introductions today!

Ambassador Weyoun steps forward to initiate peace talks, Impa says "whoooaaaaa there"

Peace talks commence, and Wednesday joins in. The virtues of peas and shredded cabbage are discussed as a common point of interest.

Banshee seems to be very interested in the babies (positively or negatively, I can't say) and Ezri is so concerned with her posture she nearly falls over backwards.

Even when the rest of the flock wanders off, Banshee stays by the baby enclosure. Gwaine can't seem to decide which group to stay with, so she runs back and forth.

Both of the boys seem pretty intent on pik-poking at the babies' beans, and the babies pik-poke right back, but Azula doesn't like it when the hens try to do it. He puts his head across their shoulders and pushes them away when they try, which is very unusual for him.

Zuko was also unusually bossy, putting his head over everyone's shoulders (I assume that's a dominance gesture in ducks, since it is for most other group animals) but he also started grabbing at everyone else's neck feathers after a while! He only got one feather off of Wednesday, but he was definitely getting a decent grip and holding on every time, even once with Azula. I may not be an expert in duck behavior, but I am in dog behavior, and that kind of redirected aggression is usually a sign of frustration over not being able to reach something exciting. I didn't want him to keep getting upset with everyone else because he couldn't get to the babies, so we called it a day after that. Everyone got koi pellets first so we could end on a positive note.

All in all, I think the addition of the babies has gotten everyone a little overly concerned with the pecking order, but there weren't any real outbursts or fights, so I'm tempted to call it a success? What do you a think?
NathanZee, thanks for sharing your youtube video, that was very cool. I have f/w, chocolate and blue runners and buffs also, none of mine have flown that high and long. that was fun to watch, thanks again.

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