Sad, attack - left innards


Apr 16, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Help, I am not sure the predator that did this....anyone know how a rabbit could have its innards pulled out and laid out on a stone? dog?
I got new netting for my compost pile, just uncovered yesterday, at dusk, I added my normal tablescraps, watered it and then went in for the night, found this the next morning: (my compost pile is surrounded by stones) right on top of the stone...innards.
innards.jpg it isn't my chickens, since a rabbit carcas was a couple feet away, but could have been my chickens!! Going to put the netting back up today! Worried now since I don't have a camera out there....
It was not a chicken. Not a domestic cat, and probably not a domestic dog- can you describe the carcass? What parts were eaten and which were intact? Pictures would help. Maybe a raccoon or a mink? Or maybe a possum?
What parts were eaten and which were intact?
I actually freaked out when I saw the carcass and threw it in a bag and directly in the trash. But, still had the head and limbs, had no stomach, looked like neck was grabbed or broken and then under belly eaten or slit with a knife, but then they didn't eat any of it...thinking if a possum or coon would at least eat some of it!
will check again tomorrow morning to see if there are any more animals! Would not have been so upset had it been one of those stinking rats that keep eating my chicken food...
That might be a fox, but they usually eat most of it, and don't make such a mess. Possibly a domestic cat since they like to kill things and don't hardly eat any of it.
had a hawk swoop down yesterday and again this morning - thinking trying to get my pappillon (dog), she weighs only 5 pounds, researched it and a hawk may be my culprit many predators, so little time! will be hawk netting the rest of my yard now! :barnie
That is weird.
Too bad you didn't look closer at the carcass, see if it was torn by an animal or cut with a knife.
Wild rabbit or livestock/pet?

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