Sad day at our house....

I am so glad I found this website a few months back - Even little Mime was a puppy and this is a chicken site I knew all of you would understand what me and my hubby are going through with missing her. I told him that if she were to make it she was not going to live with anyone but us- we would take care of her for therest of her life, but now that she is gone we feel empty I love my other animals very much, but right now it feels like something or someone is missing.

Thank you all for your kind words and making us feel like we are not alone.
Believe me those " friends " heard all about it and how we are feeling, and I will do what I can to make sure no other puppy ends up like Mime.

But with the short time she was here she was loved and cared for and was given a name- she did not pass alone and unloved and without a name.
She is buried by the house where we can visit her.
those people
Wow! What a sad situation all around!

Just for informational purpose, when an animal has been starving, the organs will often start shutting down. If they are fed too much, it overloads them and the body cannot adjust quickly enough to so much food. There will be an apparent improvement and then rapid decline as the food in effect "poisons" them.
I found this out the hard way with a hen that I found starved. I tried tube-feeding her several times a day, thinking all she needed was food and she seemed to perk up after a couple days and then she died. I found out later that it was the wrong thing to do for that particular situation.

If it ever happens again, (heaven forbid) I would take any starving animal to a vet or at least call one. They can tell you the proper amounts to feed and help diagnose and treat with IVs or sub-q fluids, etc.

Again sorry for all the heartbreak.
I think this poem is appropriate.

Unlike most days at RainBow Bridge, this day dawned cold and gray, damp as a swamp and as dismal as could be imagined. All the recent arrivals were confused and concerned. They had no idea what to think for they had never experienced a day like this before. But the animals who had spent some time waiting for their beloved people knew exactly what was happening and began to gather at the pathway leading to the Bridge to watch. They knew this was something special.
It wasn't too long before an elderly animal came into view, head hung heavy and low with tail dragging along the ground. The other animals on the pathway...the ones who had been at RainBow Bridge for a while...knew the story of this sad creature immediately. They had seen it happen far too many times.

Although it was obvious the animal's heart was leaden and he was totally overcome with emotional pain and hurt, there was no sign of injury or any illness. Unlike the pets waiting at the Bridge, this dog had not been restored to his prime. He was full of neither health nor vigor. He approached slowly and painfully, watching all the pets who were by now watching him. He knew he was out of place here. This was no resting place for him. He felt instinctively that the sooner he could cross over, the happier he would be. But alas, as he came closer to the Bridge, his way was barred by the appearance of an Angel who spoke softly to the old dog and apologized sorrowfully, telling him that he would not be able to pass. Only those animals who were with their special people could pass over the RainBow Bridge. And he had no special beloved people...not here at the Bridge nor on Earth below.

With no place else to turn, the poor elderly dog looked toward the fields before the Bridge. There, in a separate area nearby, he spotted a group of other sad-eyed animals like himself...elderly and infirm. Unlike the pets waiting for their special people, these animals weren't playing, but simply lying on the green grass, forlornly and miserably staring out at the pathway leading to the Bridge. The recent arrival knew he had no choice but to join them. And so, he took his place among them, just watching the pathway and waiting.

One of the newest arrivals at the Bridge, who was waiting for his special people, could not understand what he had just witnessed and asked one of the pets who had been there for some time to explain it to him.

"That poor dog was a rescue, sent to the pound when his owner grew tired of him. They way you see him now, with graying fur and sad, cloudy eyes, was exactly the way he was when he was put into the kennels. He never, ever made it out and passed on only with the love and comfort that the kennel workers could give him as he left his miserable and unloved existence on Earth for good. Because he had no family or special person to give his love, he has nobody to escort him across the Bridge."

The first animal thought about this for a minute and then asked, "So what will happen now?"

As he was about to receive his answer, the clouds suddenly parted and the all-invasive gloom lifted. Coming toward the Bridge could be seen a single figure...a person who, on Earth, had seemed quite ordinary...a person who, just like the elderly dog, had just left Earth forever. This figure turned toward a group of the sad animals and extended outstretched palms. The sweetest sounds they had ever heard echoed gently above them and all were bathed in a pure and golden light. Instantly, each was young and healthy again, just as they had been in the prime of life.

From within the gathering of pets waiting for their special people, a group of animals emerged and moved toward the pathway. As they came close to the passing figure, each bowed low and each received a tender pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. Their eyes grew even brighter as the figure softly murmured each name. Then, the newly-restored pets fell into line behind the figure and quietly followed this person to the Bridge, where they all crossed together.

The recent arrival who had been watching, was amazed. "What happened?"

"That was a rescuer," came the answer. "That person spent a lifetime trying to help pets of all kinds. The ones you saw bowing in respect were those who found new homes because of such unselfish work. They will cross when their families arrive. Those you saw restored were ones who never found homes. When a rescuer arrives, they are permitted to perform one, final act of rescue. They are allowed to escort those poor pets that couldn't place on Earth across the Rainbow Bridge. You see, all animals are special to them...just as they are special to all animals."

"I think I like rescuers," said the recent arrival.

"So does God," was the reply.

--Author Unknown--


Okay the initial post made me a little weepy, then the story just completely and totally put me over the edge.

*sigh* The human race amazes me, at its ability to reach the heights of care and love and kindness, and the depths of not hatred, but apathy.

(okay their ability hate horrifies me as well actually, but sometimes, the apathy for life some people express just... *sigh* Yeah.)

I am sorry you had to go through that, though I am very glad for the sake of that puppy that you were there. She knew love before she died, and that is the most wonderful gift that anyone can have. Not that it makes you hurt any less..
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There is no excuse for what those 'breeders' did to this puppy. A pup doesn't go from fine to that condition in one or two days - that was weeks of neglect to put her in that condition - it was probably evident from the first few days that she was weaker or not getting enough to eat, or had some physical or genetic problem.

And then to dump her on you rather than taking her to the vet is down right criminal and then some.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and even sorrier for that little pup who would have probably had a great shot at life had she had proper care at the first sign of her not thriving, or at least could have been humanely euthanized and not left to suffer if she had a medical/genetic/untreatable problem.

In my former (pre-kids) days I used to show dogs and would occasionally have a litter of pups. Those pups were played with and socialized with dogs and people every day, both as a group and individuals, from day one. Like the post before, I STILL get calls from time to time from folks wanting to know if I have any pups, and it's been 9 years since my last litter. Oh, and I NEVER broke even in a given year just on food and vet bills alone by the money brought in by selling puppies (not even talking about show costs, etc) - it was not a money making venture, even selling the pups at $400 each way back 9 + years ago.

What you described is backyard breeding at it's worst - sad thing is that there always seems to be someone who thinks that bargain puppy is worth it - always a market it seems for those who just don't know any better. Sigh...

This is one reason I don't breed dogs anymore. Too much heartache and dealing with folks who didn't understand why my pet pups were $400 with limited registrations/spay neuter contracts when the backyard breeder down the street was selling theirs for $150 with full papers.

Hugs to you and kudos for at least giving her a chance.

Oh you really don't want to get me started right now. I'm typing this while trying to get some kitten formula down my ill kitten with a medicine srynge. As a dog breeder myself, I am absolutely appauled at the depths so called "breeders and dog lovers" will go to make a buck. A true dog breeder does not get rich off of this. What money they do make goes back into the dogs. Whether it be to pay for the on going vet bill, better living quarters, immunizations, x-rays, DNA swabs, food, showing etc. The list can go on forever. But the biggest difference between a backyard breeder and a true breeder is LOVE. The breeder loves the breed and the breeder loves each and every animal that comes across their path. Even in the smallest and simplest forms, these people (and all of us at BYC are included in this as "the people") love and respect what God has given us to take care of. I see that you are in a sticky situation with the man being your hubby's boss, but I think I would still start making a paper trail. They don't have to know that it was you. Find some other "true friends" to help substanciate the conditions. They must also see this. That helps spread the knowledge and wider base of possible "suspects" that could have called on them. That might prevent your hubby from having any serious reprocutions at work. I'm so sorry for your loss and I know that Mime will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge when your time comes to make that journey. Sending love and hugs your way.
Thank you 2mnypets -- I hope your little kitten is doing better.
when I got Mime I knew I had my hands full with trying to save her but I think by the time she got here it was already to late the damage had been done.
But no matter how hard it was to try and save her and the nights with no sleep and all the crying I did when she passed if someone brings me another sick pup I would do it all over again.

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