Salted duck eggs??

so...who’s going to try this first? We put a batch in for pickling....
Started the first batch of 13 eggs yesterday in the afternoon:

800 milliliter of water and 280 grams of ordinary table salt, boiled, cooled back to room-temperature and poured into the jar. That jar is full to the brim, no air, so all the eggs are covered. Had to use kitchen tongs to get the eggs in…
Now it is waiting time… That jar sits in my cold pantry ~15°C (60F).
These fascinate me! More so the way they were discovered. Who digs up eggs and decides they are going to eat them, even after seeing they are black inside?
Someone who is very very hungry. Some AK native foods are the same way:
1) bury salmon heads on the beach
2) wait a few months
3) dig back up and enjoy🤤

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