Scared chickens

5 hens, 10 chicks, 8' x 24' run, and a 2' x 6' enclosure. No idea how big your main coop is or what it looks like, inside or out.

How predator proof is your run? Do you plan to integrate again in the future when some of these need replacing? They don't live forever.

If I were doin this I'd fence off about 6' of the run on the end away from the main coop and have a human-sized gate between this section and the rest of the run. If the run is not predator proof I'd build a permanent predator proof shelter inside that 6' x 8' section so they have a place to sleep at night out there. If the run is predator proof that shelter doesn't have to be much, mainly a place to keep them out of the rain. You can put nests and roosts in it if you want to but you don't have to. I would roosts at least. If you need a nest just set a milk crate with bedding in there.

What I'm trying to set up is a good place to integrate the chicks with the look but don't touch while leaving them out there at night. If you want to commit to bringing ten chicks in every night and carrying them back out every morning you can, but you don't know how long this will last. It also makes a good place to isolate an injured hen or put a broody hen if you want to separate one to hatch or raise chicks away from the flock. If you build the shelter elevated with a wire bottom you have a broody buster. You can put a piece of plywood or such on the wire floor if you want a solid floor for the chicks. I find a separate place you can use like this to be really handy. To me it would be worth building, but it does cost money and take work. When you are not using it you can leave the gate open and they can use the entire run. Lock the shelter if you don't want them laying eggs in it. This would work great for Azygous's method of brooding in the run if you have electricity to it.

The way I'd integrate them would be to leave the chicks in that run section for a while, then let them mingle with the adults for a few weeks before you move them into the main coop. Let then sleep in that shelter at night until then.

Often integration goes so well you wonder what al the fuss was about. But occasionally chicks die. Sometimes you can just dump the chicks in the main coop at night or even during the day and it works out, especially if the coop is pretty big with a fair amount of clutter. It certainly can work. But it is certainly possible (and sometimes happens) that when they wake up one chicken decides to kill another. The tighter the space is the more likely this is to happen and the one being beat up cannot run away. When I move chicks into the main coop with the adults they have shown me that they can live with the adults during the day for a few weeks before I try. They don't have to eat at the same feeder at the same time or anything like that, just show that they are not out to kill each other.

For what it is worth my brooder is in the coop so the chicks grow up with the flock. I have over 3,000 square feet outside and the weather when I integrate that they can spend all day every day outside. At 5 weeks of age my chicks are roaming outside, separate from the adults by space but no fences. They avoid the adults. My broody hens raise their chicks with the flock. I've had a broody wean her chicks as young as three weeks of age and leave them alone to make their way with the flock. They do. You don't have 3,000 square feet so you have to be more careful. People do this all the time, often with no more room than you have and not being as cautious as I suggest. Often it works out, you usually don't read those stories on here. The stories you read are the ones where it doesn't work out.

Good luck.
Yes I really don't want to take 10 chicks back in the house each night for a week. I think I will close off a quarter of the run(maybe 5ft X 8Ft) and make sure they have a place to sleep for a week or so before putting them in the coop at night. My run is very secure
I like this idea for the chicks to be (having 2 broodies). I do a similar thing with my adult birds. I don’t have a clicker, just clap my hens and call them ‘kippies’ or call the names of the missing chickens.
They always come hoping for a treat.

@Organic Gal
A seperated enclosure of this size with only a roost bar is quit minimal for 10 chicks that will grow fast imho. I would make more space and a hutch in it (rabbit cage / guinea pig hutch / litter box) where they can take a nap. And use some straw to keep them warm.
After a week you can make an opening where the chicks can go through and not the older hens. This wil be there safe place.
As soon as it stops freezing and they are 5-6 weeks old (well feathered) they can stay outside without extra warmth. If it’s safe. They can keep each other warm in such a large group.
I am going to make the separate enclosure much larger. I did realize in a week or two they will be much larger
Right at this moment, I have four chicks under four weeks old and the run entrances are open so the adults can go free range and get back in if they need to use the nest boxes. The chicks show no desire to go outside of the run even with the pop door open.

It's been my experience that chicks will check out the open doors but won't venture outside until they feel secure enough to do so. When they start going out, they will hug the side of the run, staying very close in case they feel threatened and need to come back inside to safety.

Your chicks should be no different, although they're older. They will be careful to stick close when they do go out, and it will be a few weeks before they are confident enough to venture farther out from the run.

To sum it up, trust your chicks to decide when they will leave the run, and don't be afraid to leave the door open so the adult chickens can come and go.
I'm glad to hear that as I was concerned about them going out of the run. thanks
Right at this moment, I have four chicks under four weeks old and the run entrances are open so the adults can go free range and get back in if they need to use the nest boxes. The chicks show no desire to go outside of the run even with the pop door open.

It's been my experience that chicks will check out the open doors but won't venture outside until they feel secure enough to do so. When they start going out, they will hug the side of the run, staying very close in case they feel threatened and need to come back inside to safety.

Your chicks should be no different, although they're older. They will be careful to stick close when they do go out, and it will be a few weeks before they are confident enough to venture farther out from the run.

To sum it up, trust your chicks to decide when they will leave the run, and don't be afraid to leave the door open so the adult chickens can come and go.
Just wanted your opinion. My 7 to 9 week old pullets have been in a separate part of the run for a week now. I decided not to try to put them in the coop at night so they all wake up together. What I want to do is to open up their section to the rest of the run and the main coop and take away the temp coop they have been sleeping in. My question is will the pullets go into the main coop on their own when its time with the other chickens? I have 10 new pullets and 5 hens that I am trying to merge together. Thanks
It's complicated. As a rule, chicks will not know to go into a coop at night on their own. They need to be taught by their broody hen or their human broody, you.

I can only tell you what works best for me. I begin by brooding my chicks in the run so they are in full view as they grow to the adult flock. At the same time, the chicks are observing the big chickens. At age two or three weeks, the chicks begin going into the main part of the run from their brooding pen through small chick portals. Since the entire flock has accepted them being among them since day one, this is accomplished effortlessly.

My current chicks are now the exact age as yours. They have been living in my second coop which is off the main run for two weeks now. I taught them to go into the run at night by getting inside and calling them in with a clicker and a reward of meal worms. Now they know to go in on their own.

Before I had this second coop, I would referee chicks going into roost at night with the adults. Usually I would set them up on one end of a long perch away from the adults so they won't get pecked. This is something you might want to do.

But if you expect your chicks to know automatically to go into the coop and roost with the five hens, it is unlikely to happen. Chicks need at least some direction and coaxing until they learn that's what they're supposed to do. If you are weaning them from using the temp coop, you will need to remove it as the chicks are not likely to be willing to make the change to the main coop willingly. Whenever I wanted to move a batch of pullets to my main coop, anticipating moving new chicks into it, I've had to lock them out of it and coax them into the main coop.

Hope this is of some help.
Just wanted your opinion. My 7 to 9 week old pullets have been in a separate part of the run for a week now. I decided not to try to put them in the coop at night so they all wake up together. What I want to do is to open up their section to the rest of the run and the main coop and take away the temp coop they have been sleeping in. My question is will the pullets go into the main coop on their own when its time with the other chickens? I have 10 new pullets and 5 hens that I am trying to merge together. Thanks
They may or they may not. When I'm ready to put babies with the adults, I close up the brooder so they can't return to it, and then I scoop them up in the evening and cage them inside the coop.


I continue to do that nightly until they head into the coop themselves and follow the adults onto the roost. My first group of integrated chicks took maybe a week to catch on, the most recent group figured it out in 2 days.
Your 'problem ' sounds like a normal chicken. They are sensitive to change and get stressed easily from it. It takes a day ir two before their minds fully understand that the new thing won't hurt them .tho how long have they been acting like this?
What I want to do is to open up their section to the rest of the run and the main coop and take away the temp coop they have been sleeping in. My question is will the pullets go into the main coop on their own when its time with the other chickens?
The way I do this is to allow the chicks to return to my "grow-out coop", similar to your temporary coop, at night to sleep until they have shown they can co-exist with the adults during the day. With my set-up and schedule I have no reason to be in a hurry about this. For some people this would be a pain.

When I'm ready, I wait until after dark and move the chicks to the main coop. I set them on the coop floor and lock the pop door. My main coop is dark enough that they are not going to get attacked overnight. The next morning I'm down there at first light to see what is going on. Usually things are very peaceful, the chicks are usually up on the main roost where the adults on the coop floor can't reach them. I lock the grow-out coop so they can't get back inside.

Sometimes that is all it takes. Sometimes I have to put some or all back in the main coop a few more nights before they all get the message. At dark, those return to the area of my grow-out coop to try to sleep. After dark they are easy to catch.

I have had a few move into the main coop on their own before I start moving them. It's somewhat rare but it has happened. Each brood is different, one time might not go exactly like the last, but with patience and with my set-up it's always been fairly peaceful.

Mine seldom sleep on the main roosts with the adults immediately. If the adults all sleep in a corner of the roosts some may try to sleep in the far corner, but usually my adults spread out on the roosts. I've even seen one hen leave her normal roosting spot to go beat up on the chicks if they try to sleep in that far corner. Each flock is different, you never know how it will go. As long as mine are sleeping in a predator safe area and not in a nest I don't care where they sleep. When they mature enough they'll join the main flock on the main roosts. I let them manage that part of it. My goal is that no one gets injured.
It's complicated. As a rule, chicks will not know to go into a coop at night on their own. They need to be taught by their broody hen or their human broody, you.

I can only tell you what works best for me. I begin by brooding my chicks in the run so they are in full view as they grow to the adult flock. At the same time, the chicks are observing the big chickens. At age two or three weeks, the chicks begin going into the main part of the run from their brooding pen through small chick portals. Since the entire flock has accepted them being among them since day one, this is accomplished effortlessly.

My current chicks are now the exact age as yours. They have been living in my second coop which is off the main run for two weeks now. I taught them to go into the run at night by getting inside and calling them in with a clicker and a reward of meal worms. Now they know to go in on their own.

Before I had this second coop, I would referee chicks going into roost at night with the adults. Usually I would set them up on one end of a long perch away from the adults so they won't get pecked. This is something you might want to do.

But if you expect your chicks to know automatically to go into the coop and roost with the five hens, it is unlikely to happen. Chicks need at least some direction and coaxing until they learn that's what they're supposed to do. If you are weaning them from using the temp coop, you will need to remove it as the chicks are not likely to be willing to make the change to the main coop willingly. Whenever I wanted to move a batch of pullets to my main coop, anticipating moving new chicks into it, I've had to lock them out of it and coax them into the main coop.

Hope this is of some help.
ok thanks for the advise. I'm going to have the run doors open on their side today and see what happens. They do love mealy worms. I just open the jar and they come running

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