School hatch Now Day 21 Peep peep peep!


12 Years
Oct 20, 2007
Eastern CT
My student and I are going to incubate eggs given to me by perfectly_polish. This will be my second hatch and his first. It will actually be a very very new experience for him. We've got the incubator set up and the eggs are resting comfortably. We have 8 eggs of different breeds. I'm working on a BYC id name for him since I can't use his real one. He's into Speed Racer right now so we just settled on Speedy Egg. I can't give him his own account so we'll just be using that name on this thread. Wish us luck!!
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How wonderful you are doing this. You're not just teaching your leaving your student with great memories. When I was in 5th grade my class incubated eggs. Each of us that got permission was allowed to take one chick home. Garfield was my pet for years.
I may keep some if we can tell gender by the time school is over. The rest will have a good home back with perfectly_polish otherwise. We have lots of families with chickens though and may find someone else would like some.
Just to clarify, while I sure will be teaching my student as much as I can from this experience I am an instructional aide rather than a certified teacher.

Thanks for the support everyone. I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with all of you!
So of course the student who offered to bring eggs then said that his roosters were separated from his hens came to me today to say that he will have fertile eggs for me by the end of the week. And I got eggs from perfectly_polish Sunday so they're already in the bator. No second bator so I had to tell him that I can't add them to this batch. I feel bad but I did tell him that I needed them at the beginning of the week. He was waiting for his parents to change how they had things set up and I told him I couldn't ask them to rush the job for me. I hope I don't end up ruffling feathers but this typical of this particular student. We're running out of time here! The chicks will be barely a week old on the last day of school. Sigh. Can't please everybody.

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