Selling chicks, best way to run it, and get the word out?

Do you have a target price in mind? Or, are you happy to just hatch and sell chicks for less than TSC?

this past summer I incubated eggs, sold the chicks at a livestock auction. Selling price was always less than TSC, but they all sold as straight run, barnyard mixes. Selling price varied depending on who wanted them... one auction I only got $1 per chick! But at another auction, there were several people interested and bidding went back and forth a few times. So, I got some money in my pocket.
It all depends on how much I pay for eggs, since I don't have any pure breeds. If I bough the eggs for $2 an egg, they are pretty cheep locally, and I sold the chicks for $3, then I would make $1 extra per chick. I am fine with that.
You can't advertise live animals on FB, especially market place...gotta be tricky about it.

Ok, thanks, I think either in the past you could.... or I am thinking of something totally different. SORRY! false information, I feel so bad for mistaking this!
you won’t be hatching very many chicks -that incubator holds around 24? So, seems reasonable to be able to sell them. I timed my hatches to hatch on the Tues or Wed prior to the livestock auction, so they would get a few days of food and strength before the busy day of transport and selling. You might want to time them to hatch ahead of a weekend, so they are ready to go on Fri/Sat/Sun.
Yes, not very many abates at a time, and good idea to time it.
It all depends on how much I pay for eggs, since I don't have any pure breeds. If I bough the eggs for $2 an egg, they are pretty cheep locally, and I sold the chicks for $3, then I would make $1 extra per chick. I am fine with that.

Yes, when you start, you should probably advertise for 3-4 dollars, and (maybe-hopefully) if it is going good, then raise the price a dollar. If you sell them as chicks, and then later as hens/pullets, then you need to consider feed and housing price. Plus the price for the incubator, (If you don't already have one) And also, did you say you wanted to buy eggs so you could sell a specific chicken breed?

I was thinking the same thing. Facebook is changing though! Don't feel bad, I would have known either!

Ok, thanks, I think either in the past you could.... or I am thinking of something totally different. SORRY! false information, I feel so bad for mistaking this!
Used to be able's been maybe a year since they started clamping down.
There are ways around it tho.
I'd use local groups only and stay away from market place.
Most folks make a jpg with the info, so the text can't be found with the algorithms,
then ask to PM for more info.

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