The Result of my 2nd Sept Hatch. Not the full result, I already sold some of them. Some are under the brooder plate. I am over in the october hatch along whining about how my eggs haven't developed by day 4... lol I can be impatient sometimes.
Aww, those are adorable! Ya know, somethin that really sucks is that I have and am hatching a good amount of chicks rn toi fill some orders that I have. And I just found out that my local feed store is having their customer appreciation day, and you can bring rabbits, ducks, chicks, and you can sell them there, but all of the chicks that I have hatching are already sold. That takes place next Saturday so there isnt time to start another batch. Ugh, that makes me mad lol.
:jumpyMan! Idk how it's taken me this long to check out this thread! :barnie
How fun! Love the input and the CUTIES!! And I am soooo jealous! So many fun breeds and exciting crosses!

I started my own thread but I will join in here too with the cool kids:lau

A little while back I set the eggs I was holding after I disposed of my roos. After I finally got a bator (Hova bator and turner). The two days following the first ines I set, I added the fresh eggs I collected. In total I set 30...2 from the ducks. After candling (with my lame invention of paperboard and tape on my iphone flashlight), I have 24 viable, wiggly babies cooking! :woot
One duck egg is in the mix along with eggs from my light brahmas, my RIRs and my BSL/black asian (no one is entirely sure lol). The roos were what I thought was a leghorn but as he matured, was likely a cross and more patchy golden with a random black feather here and there, and the other, presumably a black asian cross and gorgeous. The duck egg is either from my KC or Rouen and dad could be Pekin, Rouen or less likely, fawn and white IR. first go is a total bunch of misfits lol.

looking forward to seeing more of everyone's cuties!!
Coming out from under the Brooder plate are 2 naked necks. These 2 little kiddies are culls because I am only keeping Recessive Whites. However they are 1/4 Red Ranger and the Naked Neck patriarch (father and grandfather) has a nice size frame so they will make a great addition to a dual purpose flock.
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the larger feathered chick is 3 weeks old now, and disabled. Leg is backwards at the hip but it manages to feed itself and drink water and move around. It flies more than it walks because it hops on one leg. The others are from this mornings hatch. Eating for the first time. A cemani and some Naked Necks. Still under the brooder plate my Rhode Island White x Red Rangers (just 2) my 1 Silver Leghorn, and some Silver Grey Dorkings as well as more Ayam Cemanis and Naked Necks. The Dominiques are all sold and I gave away all my Ayam Cemanis Culls to the lady who bought my Dominiques.
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My Incubator is set again and I am moving over to Octobers hatch a long... 2019 is going so fast. I will be back with brooder pictures and to like peoples posts though. And maybe a comment or 2.
OMG naked neck babies are insanely cute!!
My 3rd september hatch, Broody mamma had 2 chicks under her, I took her chicks and put them in the brooder because she was a crappy mother who I spent more time tending to her mistakes than the chicks were worth. If she hatches more I will do that same. Its her 3rd time going broody this year and so far she has had 0 chicks survive because she finds ways to get them killed. I hate taking birds from mamas but I do not have the patience to deal with her... I hatched eggs this week so I have a brooder ready to go.

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