I just candled every egg in the Incubator. there are currently 63 eggs in there, started with 64 and dropped one. 53 fertile and developing, 10 not developing. 9 out of 10 not developing came from the guy I bought eggs from off of eBay. I picked them up in person making them dirt cheap eggs since most of money from eBay from this seller went into shipping. half of his eggs were infertile but since I paid about 1/4 of what I believe the value of those eggs to be I am not complaining. I mail ordered from him before and got scrambled on the inside eggs from the post office. The one egg of mine that is infertile is a serama egg where the rooster has yet to produce a fertile egg, it is also likely the first egg from the female who laid it, I know it was one of the first 3. I only threw it in to see if it would develop, I have a bunch more under a broody. and after she hatches at the end of August I will see if any of those eggs hatched.
the only bad news is that I only have 5 Dark Cornish eggs developing and there is no guarantee they keep developing and that was the one breed I did the long drive for. I picked up Golden Phoenix and Blue/Splash/Black Ameruacunas (sp?) ... all of the Blue/Black/Splash Ameri... were fertile, they were from a different seller. All my Ayam Cemanis are fertile which makes up for none of them being fertile for the last hatch. I put the Alpha Rooster in with the girls after 3 days in Rooster Jail for abusing my Red Rangers in a cross breeding experiment. All but one of my Seramas are developing and the one not developing as I said earlier was from a rooster who has yet to prove he is fertile. Anyways thats my most recent update. 3 days from now the 10 that have not developed will be removed. I have to go build a bigger brooder now because if I end up with 53 chicks the current indoor brooder will be too small.
Ooh, exciting! What color silkies? I’m obsessed with them! I am looking for some silkie eggs from quality stock to hatch now
If you ever in Central Florida let me know, I've got 2 show quality Silkies you can have. Nothing against them, I just didn't find out till I paid to much money that it's not the chicken for me.
3 days from now the 10 that have not developed will be removed. I have to go build a bigger brooder now because if I end up with 53 chicks the current indoor brooder will be too small.
I'm curious as to why the undeveloping eggs will be left in the incubator for 3 more days. I'm so new at this!!! Not sure any of mine are developing. :oops:

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