@thefishguy77 so you also take them out of the incubator as they hatch??

No, I let them stay in until they are dry and fluffy. If I am doing something wrong please let me know. I am brand new to this aspect of chickens. Its averages about 18 hours.
We just watched another one emerging from their egg. Super cool thing to watch. Total is up to 7 chicks! :)

“Last”... I seem to say that almost every month or so... maybe this time I can stick to it :lau but as I’ve already considered a staggered hatch? Slim chances?
Most of mine are staggered. I incubate in my Old cabinet incubator and hatch in my has been working well. Every week when my last batch finishes I clean the brinsea and load the following weeks hatch in it. A trick that seems to work as good as anything to keep the eggs straight is to write the expected hatch date on the eggs when you set them. No guess work as far as when that egg is scheduled to hatch.

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