Serama or Japanese bantam?

Serama or Japanese?

  • Serama

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Japanese

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
What would even be the difference between a low quality Serama and a high quality Japanese bantam? Mottled variety.
Both would have yellow legs, squirrel tail, single combs and red earlobes.

In fact, besides posture, what distinguishes Seramas as their own breed? The APA says a breed must have at least 3 defining characteristics different from an existing breed to be their own breed.
What would even be the difference between a low quality Serama and a high quality Japanese bantam? Mottled variety.
Both would have yellow legs, squirrel tail, single combs and red earlobes.

In fact, besides posture, what distinguishes Seramas as their own breed? The APA says a breed must have at least 3 defining characteristics different from an existing breed to be their own breed.

I wish I could figure this out also. So far, all I have figured out for seramas size matters and they have to be vertical. I know when comparing pictures of mature Japanese bantam, serama and OEGB, they do look like different breeds as the JB are very horizontal and have short legs compared to seramas, OEGB have different to angle to their tails and are bigger, but smaller OEGB hens are harder to distinguish. I feel seramas are closer in type to OEGB than a JB. I think someone who is experienced in raising and showing any of the particular breeds will have an eye for being able to tell a good vs bad vs mix breed. Another issue with the serama is it is a newer breed especially in the states, so fewer people have the experience. I think to add to the confusion people are taking two small birds breeding them then calling the offspring serama.
After viewing the new pics you posted on this thread...I would say that the breeder you got them from is breeding the two and producing mixes. Neither one looks totally JB or least not SOP.

This one doesn't have the composition of either JB's or Seramas. Doesn't have the tail set, wrong look to the saddle and long shanked, although it's not uncommon to have long shanked JB's it's not show quality. It's doesn't have the stance of Serama's nor JB's.

This one looks more like a JB but being frizzle it's a little harder to tell. It appears in the pic to be short shanked. The tail set is right but that maybe because it was preening and had it pulled up like it is in the pic? The saddle is more true to a JB. It appears to be smaller than the mottled one but that could be an illusion too!

Give them a little while longer to grow then check back in...might have a different opinion.
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I suspected these two were crosses. Seemed a little too 'misfit' to me. But I am limited in choice, so gotta use what I can find.
Understood. You can go to ABA shows to find good dedicated serama breeders.
The Missouri NPIP list has 8 breeders you can look into.
Check out Cindy Rusk, Julia Hess and Holly Hoffman because they focus on fewer breeds.

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