serious injury to neck


5 Years
Feb 19, 2014
Hesperia, CA
One of my black copper maran was attacked & injured by my other birds. Right now I have her in a cat crate. She seems to be doing ok...I don't know what else to do for her. I cleaned it with warm water and an antiseptic spray without any "caine" ...specifically for animals. How long do I need to keep her separate?
I would keep her separate until she's completely healed up so they don't attack her again. Do you have any Vetericyn?
No, and I can't find anywhere local that carries it. I may have to order it online. I got her a larger wire cage. Will she continue to have issues when I reintroduce her to the flock once she is healed? I would hate for her to go through that again. Poor girl.
I had this happen with one of my Golden Polish and once he was healed, I put him back with the flock and he was fine. I kept an eye on him for awhile once I put him back in to be sure they wouldn't pick on him. I would recommend that.

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