served in army for three yrs but doesn't qualify....

Amen to that brother. My DH is a recruiter, right now actually a station com. we get to hear all the nice words, right down to baby killer. He will do his 20 or more too.
1980 -- Iran. Operation Eagle Claw On April 26, 1980, President Carter reported the use of six US transport planes and eight helicopters in an unsuccessful attempt to rescue American hostages being held in Iran.[RL30172]

1981 -- El Salvador. After a guerrilla offensive against the government of El Salvador, additional US military advisers were sent to El Salvador, bringing the total to approximately 55, to assist in training government forces in counterinsurgency.[RL30172]

1981 --Libya. First Gulf of Sidra Incident On August 19, 1981, US planes based on the carrier USS Nimitz shot down two Libyan jets over the Gulf of Sidra after one of the Libyan jets had fired a heat-seeking missile. The United States periodically held freedom of navigation exercises in the Gulf of Sidra, claimed by Libya as territorial waters but considered international waters by the United States.[RL30172]

1982 -- Sinai. On March 19, 1982, President Reagan reported the deployment of military personnel and equipment to participate in the Multinational Force and Observers in the Sinai. Participation had been authorized by the Multinational Force and Observers Resolution, Public Law 97-132.[RL30172]

1982 -- Lebanon. Multinational Force in Lebanon. On August 21, 1982, President Reagan reported the dispatch of 80 marines to serve in the multinational force to assist in the withdrawal of members of the Palestine Liberation force from Beirut. The Marines left September 20, 1982.[RL30172]

1982-1983 -- Lebanon. On September 29, 1982, President Reagan reported the deployment of 1200 marines to serve in a temporary multinational force to facilitate the restoration of Lebanese government sovereignty. On September 29, 1983, Congress passed the Multinational Force in Lebanon Resolution (P.L. 98-119) authorizing the continued participation for eighteen months.[RL30172]

1983 -- Egypt. After a Libyan plane bombed a city in Sudan on March 18, 1983, and Sudan and Egypt appealed for assistance, the United States dispatched an AWACS electronic surveillance plane to Egypt.[RL30172]

1983 -- Grenada. Citing the increased threat of Soviet and Cuban influence and noting the development of an international airport following a bloodless Grenada coup d'état and alignment with the Soviets and Cuba, the U.S. launches Operation Urgent Fury to invade the sovereign island nation of Grenada.[RL30172]

1983-89 -- Honduras. In July 1983 the United States undertook a series of exercises in Honduras that some believed might lead to conflict with Nicaragua. On March 25, 1986, unarmed US military helicopters and crewmen ferried Honduran troops to the Nicaraguan border to repel Nicaraguan troops.[RL30172]

1983 -- Chad. On August 8, 1983, President Reagan reported the deployment of two AWACS electronic surveillance planes and eight F-15 fighter planes and ground logistical support forces to assist Chad against Libyan and rebel forces.[RL30172]

oh and here is alist of all military involvements of the time in question
In NY I know they have 2 levels of tax exemptions for Vets. First is 15% for serving in the military. 2nd is combat exeption of 25%. I think NY is 2nd or 3rd in the country for highest taxes and they do give the exemptions so I would check further where you are. See if they have dual-level requirement too. Has he used his GI Loan in the past? Might try that to re-fi and get a lower interest rate. Good Luck!
Every county has a veteran's service officer who's job it is to help in areas just such as this. Mine helped me get a disability after I contracted prostate cancer from agent orange. They help in many ways including help in getting govt. documents such a dd-214s. In Minnesota we have a graduated tax expemtion for veterans with disabilities the lowest qualifying being 60%
Waterfront property is a luxury and you should pay higher taxes for it....

My sister has three lakefront properties, a 400 acre hunting reserve, a huge motor home, many backhoes, tractors, 4-wheelers, motorcycles, snow-mobiles - the list goes on and on and on. They don't even know how many and all they do is complain!!! It drives me crazy to hear all the rich people complain! I'm more than happy with a few chickens and would not leave my place if I didn't have to go to town for groceries once in a while.
please don't mistaken me for rich. we are by no means rich. if you read the have you been laid off thread you will see that my husbands business failed and he just got demotted, to a 1/3 of his pay, i was out on disability for two months after i ripped the tendon off my calf and my mother is paying our mortgage... so please don't mistaken me for rich. my husband just had a conversation about loosing the house over breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eta full market value for my house is $163,000. how does that make me rich. that is the average cost of a house in this area.
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It's sad that our own government is so STUPID!!! Our honorable military men and woman should be afforded each and every right X 10 that any other citizen, and sometimes not even citizens, are entitled to. There will NEVER be enough words of thanks to express to them. In my mind, our government is turning so backwards that I barely recognize it. It seriouly breaks my heart to watch. It seems the criminals have more rights than hard working, honest Americans these days.

I say bring back the lynch mobs that "handled" the criminals back in the Old West, they wouldn't dare STEAL from each other back then.

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