Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

Did you keep track of your eggs' weights throughout the process? Did you have hygrometer's inside of the incubator you could read? My hygrometer is reading about 10-15% lower than the display is showing.

I'm not sure how dry incubation would kill your chicks if your humidity was pretty much the same as when you incubate normally. I'll be candling and weighing mine before lockdown and adjust as needed. We'll see what happens :)

The banties don't get let out because we have hawks in the area. The normal birds know to stay around cover, but the banties can't see that well and are just sitting ducks if I'm not there to ward off anything.

Yes, I have a hygrometer and it matched the readout on the incubator, no I did not weigh on that hatch. I measured air cell size like I have before, I've only started weighing eggs with this hatch. I don't know why it didn't work either, but I am not an incubation dummy. I did everything the way the dry incubation article stated. I was not pleased. As I said before, I I wish you better success with it, but it is not for me.
What is your normal incubation method?

It's amazing how varied the results are between each person/incubator. I guess that's what trial and error are for :)
So I candles and only saw 3 floating air cells. Didn't see anything in the others do I'm assuming that's good. Will try the no turning for 7 days.
I'm out, unfortunately something happened
supposedly they will be here today morning so they will be sitting all weekend at post office
Can I join? I've been trying to resist the urge to hatch, but I just can't help myself.

I set 8 eggs total. 7 of them are from my cream legbar hen. The last egg I *think* is from my speckled sussex. I have three roosters- a legbar, a black copper marans, and a golden laced polish, though I don't know that the polish gets much action.

I set 7 of them last night, and the 8th this morning. I know, that's a bad idea, but the legbar laid another nice and early, and two of the eggs in the bator I'm a little worried about not making it, so I figured I'd stick it in there, and then candle in a couple days and throw out a dud.

Anyway, I'm using my Brinsea Mini Advance.

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