Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

so 4 out of 7 (poss 5) look good in the mini eggs are hard to tell so im iffy on it. several in the bigger inc look good but there are a few blue and dark brown so i cant tell if they are viable yet.
LOL I have to admit my blue eggs are easier to see into than my brown eggs.

I let my broody sit on eggs once. I had to put up netting though because other hens kept laying into her nest and I wanted her and her babies to be undisturbed.
I just found your thread DraigAthar and Im excited to see how your hatch goes. Im gonna follow along
. Good Luck everyone.
LOL I have to admit my blue eggs are easier to see into than my brown eggs.

I let my broody sit on eggs once. I had to put up netting though because other hens kept laying into her nest and I wanted her and her babies to be undisturbed.
It is a bit more of a challenge when you let them incubate in the main coop, isn't it? Sophie went broody last summer and I had no place to isolate her, so I left her in the main coop. She didn't have trouble with other hens laying in her box, I think because she's a militant momma and she'd kick butt if she saw anyone on her eggs. No, her big problem was when other hens would lay eggs in the box NEXT to hers. Then when she got up to stretch her legs, she'd invariably come back and settle onto the WRONG box. Derf! I had to relocate her several times, until finally I just blocked off the box immediately next to hers. She stopped getting confused after that. The other hens just had to lay two doors down. ;)
I broke down and opened one of the older egg I loaded. Couldn't see much when candleing and sufforing from self doubt.

Very surprised and sad when I saw the eye and veins. At least now I know I haven't cooked them.
I have to admit I never break open an egg unless I am 100% positive that it's dead. I'd rather err on the side of caution. At least now you know that something is happening with the rest, right?

I'm pretty sure my brown egg quit. I have to admit I'm kind of hoping so because then my incubator will be at the number it's *supposed* to have in it.
It's day 4 for me and I candled everyone tonight. ALL 12 are fertile and everyone's right on track :)

I also solved the mystery of the headless chicken. It was an OWL, which I totally forgot we have all over and that they love chicken. The chicken that was killed tended to linger outside after it was already dark, which is prime owl hunting time. I feel so much better now that I know. I shouldn't have let them out so late :\
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Looks like all I!ll be getting is BLRW's. Both the rock and orp bantams look clear. I'll leave them in just in case, no smell or weeping, except me that is.
I would have liked to have some bantys. Maybe next time.

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