Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

Today will be Day 21 and already five of the eight Black Copper Marans eggs are hatched... no pips from the last three Marans or from the five ameraucanas yet...
I have 15 healthy chicks and one strong one that I had to help out of the shell. I ended up washing the chick to get some of the yucky stuff off of it. It is bleeding a little from the navel so I don't know if it will make it but I'm trying.

I opened all the other eggs looking for life but there was none. I'm a little sad that I only ended up with 15 but that is better than none.

They'd will go th their new home tomorrow.
one thing I hadn't counted on - this chick is LOUD! and the incubator is in my bedroom -guess its earplugs for me and DH tonight LOL
That is so funny, I made the same mistake, Marans are loud if alone, after a day or so you will love it they have a sweet song, that if you hear again you will say, ahhh a marans chick. Congrats
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Haven't check my broody, listened yet we are on day 19 1/2, technically not hatching until Monday, probably Sunday night, that's when I set them. Congrats to all who are hatching,.
Okay it's official, my Marans girl was in the house and on this thread while I was at work. She was my sneaky girl who hid away under an old, gross, dirty, oil smelly worktable in out garage. She had since been moved in a cage in the garage, She has started hatching before the EE I set. Lots of peeping going on under her, Oh yeah for those of you who want to encourage your chicks to hatch, all you have to do is a soft cluck, cluck ,cluck every time they cheep. Well that's what she was doing and it seems to work. I can't wait to see how many she hatches, I won't know until she gets up, I don't like bothering them the last 3 days, unless you count staring at them with my ear turned up as bothering, then I'm guilty. Well anyways here is my incubator # 2
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I chunked my unhatched eggs today, 5 of them. 2 were not developed at all, 1 looks as if it developed a little then died, the other 2 look fully developed but no sign of life, never pipped, moved, etc. So, what did I do wrong??? Did not have a hygrometer...what I am reading is humidity probably...guess I will invest in one. My little Mini Brinsea Advanced held it's temperature great, was always 99.5-99.6....unless in the automatic cool down period (I did use that)....and had an auto turner. These were shipped eggs, I let them sit overnight with the big end up in a carton. Did not turn eggs the last 2 days of the hatch. Advice?
I have 5 out of 12 eggs hatched. They started yesterday @ 8 am and the 5th hatched this morning around 8. They are all 5 salmon faverolles and 2 had curled toes; one foot each; so they got a homemade splint and seem to be doing just fine! Is is normal for the hatch to have chicks hatching at different times? I put 2 eggs in a day later than the other so thats why they are late but the other faverolles were on the same timeline as these guys! This has truly been a unique and exciting experience.


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