Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

My chicks started hatching last night at 9pm (pipped that morning) and by this morning I had five of the Black Copper Marans hatched... I'm still waiting for three to hatch. One of the ameraucanas hatched this afternoon after pipping this morning
I am so happy to even have one hatch!!! hopefully I will get a few more but there are no more pips from the other four eggs. Maybe the one ameraucana will get the others to pip.
I have a mystery on my hands. I just hatched a RIR egg and a black chick with black on its legs and a white spot on its head. I got the eggs from my dad. This is the second time I hatched his eggs and got a black mystery chick out of both of the hatches. I know his RIRs are purebred because they came from a hatchery in Wisconsin. He has hatched these eggs before and has never gotten any black chicks. Could the RIR have a gene that produces a black RIR? He does not have any other chickens that are black. Any help would be appreciated. I will try to get a picture of it tomorrow and put on here to see if anyone can tell me what it is.
I have a mystery on my hands. I just hatched a RIR egg and a black chick with black on its legs and a white spot on its head. I got the eggs from my dad. This is the second time I hatched his eggs and got a black mystery chick out of both of the hatches. I know his RIRs are purebred because they came from a hatchery in Wisconsin. He has hatched these eggs before and has never gotten any black chicks. Could the RIR have a gene that produces a black RIR? He does not have any other chickens that are black. Any help would be appreciated. I will try to get a picture of it tomorrow and put on here to see if anyone can tell me what it is.
Does he have any barred rocks? Sounds like a black sex link male chick....maybe. What other breeds does he have?
One more hatched overnight, it was a marans egg that had pipped earlier. Yay! At 10am it will become day 22 and I'm still really really hoping some more ameraucanas hatch. I figure I will candle the eggs that didn't hatch yet on day 23 and see what i can see (but ideally they will all hatch today and this will be a moot point, right?)
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I have 15 healthy chicks and one strong one that I had to help out of the shell. I ended up washing the chick to get some of the yucky stuff off of it. It is bleeding a little from the navel so I don't know if it will make it but I'm trying.
I opened all the other eggs looking for life but there was none. I'm a little sad that I only ended up with 15 but that is better than none.
They will go to their new home tomorrow.

Update : The little one that I helped out is doing well. The other chicks were picking on him and he wasn't fluffing up so I took a wet toothbrush to him to get the gunk off his back and wings. I also put him in a small custard dish with a paper towel to get his legs under him. He still isn't all the way fluffed up but he is better and he is just as strong as the others.

I must get some pictures before they go.

Btw, I love all the chick pics.

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