Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

I fell asleep next to the 'bator watching the 1st of my 2nd set hatch last night.
#2 had pipped this morn. I ran to the gas station to get some coffee when I got back #2 was stumbling around the bator.
Dang! I missed that one too. 2 more pipped the outer shell around that same time (10am) to include one that has a side air cell. Those 2 haven't hatched yet.
#5 still hasn't pipped the outer shell. I hope shes ok.

Congrats on all the new chicks
I love seeing all the baby pics.
Started with 15 shipped eggs. 9 made it to lock down. 7 hatched. The last 2 look like they died about 18 days. Sad they made it so far. I have moved 5 to the brooder and left the 7th and a buddy in the bator until he is dried. Will post pics tomorrow.
If they were shipped you did pretty good!
I have babies! This was my first time seeing a chick hatch and what a sight it was!! I have 1 salmon faverolle that hatched yesterday around 9 am and then 3 more over the course of friday afternoon/night. So out of 12 are out and about with one that has a whole in the shell. Should I take out these 4 when they are dry? they are running around the incubator and are pretty dry but
I did not want to hurt the one that has broken through the shell by opening the bator. Is this a valid concern? Should I take chicks out as they dry and just be quick to avoid to much humidity and temperature change? Thanks to follow!
They are probably all hatched now but for later hatches You CAN get the babies out when others are zipping /pipping BUT have to UP the humidity to the high point of what you are using BEFORE you open it and then pul lthe babies out fast.Look at the humidity when you close it
It shouldnt go down lower than what you are running it like say 65... once you shut it , the rest should be fine. YOu may even want to spray a little water mist in there as you shut it
.I have done this 3 or 4 times no problems. and others have too.
Just make sure the humidity is up at the high point before you open it.
I had one egg pip and die because it got rolled face down and i didnt see the chicks had done that before i took them out..It smothered
I chunked my unhatched eggs today, 5 of them. 2 were not developed at all, 1 looks as if it developed a little then died, the other 2 look fully developed but no sign of life, never pipped, moved, etc. So, what did I do wrong??? Did not have a hygrometer...what I am reading is humidity probably...guess I will invest in one. My little Mini Brinsea Advanced held it's temperature great, was always 99.5-99.6....unless in the automatic cool down period (I did use that)....and had an auto turner. These were shipped eggs, I let them sit overnight with the big end up in a carton. Did not turn eggs the last 2 days of the hatch. Advice?
Sorry that is so disappointing
Well if temps were good the whole time i would guess the ones died at the end yes humidity was wrong .The eary deaths probably from shipping Get more eggs and run the humidity different
At the end what did you run? Too dry shrink wrapped, too high drowned so ajust accordingly
My 3rd hatch and first sucessful one i ran it 42-45 and then 70 -75 and now use that each time and have had pretty good luck but it depends where you live etc..
They were shipped. I feel lucky but I put a lot of research time in before they arrived.
Shipped for ppl on here dont seem to do 80 % like local or home grown eggs. 50% is about average on shipped so you did GOOD!!!t.Congrats!! Shipped they get scrambled in the truck or over heated in it and so just not natural like layed and sat on LOL
Really cant change the outcome except to try letting them sit for a day or whatever before setting but that doesnt help to give a lot mpore of a hatch i dont think but could help.
I do that every time and I havent gotten a high hatch anyway except one.
.My last hatch my best, had 2 unfertile, 1early quiter and 11 went to lock down.10 hatched .. and .one didnt hatch but had pipped and got rolled on its face and smothered so that was an amazing hatch for me.
So today is day 22, and I just candled the rest of the eggs that hadn't hatched or pipped yet (4 Ameraucana eggs, and 2 Black Copper Marans eggs). None of them had movement of any kind. I put them back in the incubator anyway, and I guess I will just give them one more day just in case I'm wrong, but in my heart I know they won't hatch

The marans eggs did much better than the Ameraucanas. I started off with 13 Ameraucanas and hatched 1. Please let it be a hen, otherwise its going to be a very expensive rooster that I will have to find a home for. Out of 12 marans (I really should say out of 8 marans because 3 eggs were pullets or weirdly shaped) 6 hatched. I am hoping I get at least one hen out of the six.

I'm not sure whether the Ameraucana eggs just took too much of a beating in shipping - I did have four that I saw movement in at lockdown...or maybe I needed more humidity -but if I had upped the humidity the marans wouldn't have made it, and the Ameraucana that did hatch lost 13% of its weight which is the ideal...

Oh well. I thought I was doing well with the shipped eggs but now I find I was mistaken. But at least I have 7 little fuzzies in the brooder :)

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