Setting today who's with me?!?


11 Years
Mar 10, 2012
Hohenwald, TN
Hey everyone this is my first time incubating eggs and I need some support
If anyone of ya'll have set recently or will be setting please feel free to join me. I set 5 eggs just to do a little experimenting with it since it's my first time. The eggs are set to hatch May 13. I made my own incubator once again just doing a little experimenting. I've done a lot of research and figured I'd give it a shot. I set 5 Sex Link EE mix eggs. I candled them and they all kinda looked a little iffy so I'll be recandling them in the next couple days. Thanks!
I set an assortment this morning as well. This is my second hatch in my bator. Last year didn't go so well, hoping for better results this time.
I am setting a dozen silkie eggs tonight. Hope this set is better than my first set (still in the incubator, but not seeing any development).
I'm so glad to hear from you all! Good luck with your hatches! I just gathered more eggs today cause I was still kind of iffy as to them being fertilized or not. I am happy to say that they are well fertilized
Hoping all the eggs hatch as planned but not going to get my hopes up to high yet.
Yep, I'll join ya! I just put 59 eggs in the incubator. I had a broody hen try to sit on some of them for a few hours, so I am not sure that they started then stopped...but I should get a fair amount of chicks. I have Delaware, Black Copper Marans, Speckled Sussex, and Olive Eggers (all from my own birds).

Good luck to everyone!
Well guys I came home today and I went to turn the eggs and when I did I realized the thermometer said 120!
I was just so tore up I just don't know what caused it to rise that much cause when I left this morning it was a perfect 95. I was so upset. Needless to say I trashed those eggs. I still want you all to keep posting with your updates and pictures. I think I'm gonna go back to the drawing board and come up with a different incubator idea.

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