Sexing 9 week old Ameraucana or EE

I'm afraid I have to agree, I have an EE about the same age, her comb is very small and a light shade of pink, even more so in comparision to yours. The coloring as well, I believe I heard males were usually a reddish color and females more patridge/gray. He's still absolutely beautiful though! I have a picture if you wish to compare(hopefully she isn't a roOster in disguise:lau)
Easter Eggers come in many forms, but here’s my cockeral and pullet at that age. Notice the comb.
I'm not entirely sure about that. My OEGB cockerel was starting to show male feathering at 8 weeks:
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I have dated photos of my early blooming EE cockerel that back up your claim but it takes some digging to post them again and people tend to not change their minds, anyway.

But, in response to the OP, that's an obvious cockerel at this point. No maybe about him. Sorry if this is unwelcome news.
Here are some photos taken today. I think I did the math wrong before. They’re a little over 3 months now. It is as sweet as can be and has yet to show any rooster behaviors or manurisms. Either way I’m keeping it

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