Sexing a barred rock


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2017
Male or female
We got it yesterday from tractor supply . 1-2 weeks old
Now I'm noticing that it looks like there isn't much tail feather growth? Should be almost the same as the other birds.

Slow tail growth has ALWAYS been boys for me so far! Were they straight run?

Sometimes the girls look a little lighter than we expect and trick us into thinking there is possible boy. SO far, the tail has never lied.
Second one might be a Welsumer female.

The barred rock, black stripes still look wider than white, indicating female... may be a little to early to tell.

I would really love it if you would update me when you find out for sure, as I would like to know if the short tail changed it's story!
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Definitely looks like it could be a boy as the comb already looks big and that is a large white spot on it's head and quite a wide white stripe as well... Also looks like it's already standing straight and tall.

Pic in natural light, side standing shot, with age? Any other birds of same age and breed with it?

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