Sexing ameraucana chicks

They are more likely to be EEs than Ameraucanas.
In fact, I'm positive they aren't Ameraucanas.
They don't have muffs or beards.
The last one could be the only pullet, hard to see.

so it’s only two chicks, the black and lavender,
Just multiple photos
In these, the colour of the comb.
Some birds are easier to tell than others.
But update in a few weeks, might be easier to tell. I don't like sexing pea combed birds haha. They can be confusing.
Also, for some reason, UK breeders always refer to Ameraucana chickens as Araucanas (I don’t know why, and it’s so frustrating)

anywho this is the guy I bought the eggs from,
You don’t think the above birds look like the below? They are 5.5 weeks
Araucana birds do not have tails or beards if I remember correctly. Ameraucana birds do.

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