Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

There is one of those tourist type farms not too far away. Maybe 45 min drive. They have like a little petting zoo set up that includes chickens. The allotment thing does not exist here in the US as far as I know.
That farm might welcome a volunteer a couple of times a week.
I believe it’s northern fowl mite. It doesn’t look like lice to me, and they aren’t red. I think I might use Sevin spray to get the vertical surfaces in the coop, and I’ve mixed sand into their dust bathing areas just to try to break up the clay a bit more for them. I’m seeing an improvement, just have to keep at it until I’ve made it through all the eggs, I suppose.
If the mites are Northern Fowl Mites then one needs to deal with them quickly and efficiently. They live on the bird once there are a few, the mites are constantly sucking blood from the bird unlike Red Mite which feed at night.
Apart from the irritation, these mites can weaken their host quite rapidly.
Don't mess about. Get something that works and make sure you kill them all.
There is one of those tourist type farms not too far away. Maybe 45 min drive. They have like a little petting zoo set up that includes chickens. The allotment thing does not exist here in the US as far as I know.
I looked at a couple of such places, we call them city farms here, and it just wasn't the same; worse in fact because the conditions were poor and essentially they were there for people to gawp at and over feed.
I thinks that's Perris's portion.:p
Can you believe I've cooked that stuff for my own meals!
I don't know what's come over me. I don't eat birdseed.:rant
I did some beans the other day. It took about 26 hours to make a rather unappetizing looking broth. One hour cooking, then twenty four hours after cooking fermenting with frequent water changes. Cold beans on cous cous.:sick:lol:

I'm going to get some help, either that or a recipe book.:D
Perris's chicken breakfast looks very much like my favorite concoction for myself. I make a multi-bean salad sort of thing. I add chopped celery and peppers and herbs and a light dash of ACV and some olive oil.
@RoyalChick i did see on their fb page they were looking for volunteers to help patching up a few roofs. As i am taking a facilities management course, i could gain valuable experience helping with that. I sent them a message. Wife might not like it, but i need to do something with my free time that doesn't involve sitting on my living room floor like a sack of shit.
I am currently a stone's throw from NYC (could be across the bridge in 10 min) and it's terrible. The place in the link is roughly a 90 min drive.
Ugh - so like Fort Lee sort of area? That is not really chicken country. I am sorry - I don't know if anything nearby. It would have to be a commute. I guess which is what Shad also has to do.

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