Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Sometimes the TV schedules deliver; last night they showed Nomadland on Film4. Second time I've seen it, and it had more impact this time. Love Einaudi's soundtrack too
An interesting film. I saw it with a small group of friends and we found much to talk about afterwards.


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Wet all day today, nice day yesterday so took my 4 chooks on a ā€œfield tripā€ to the allotment. They had a whale of a time & I got a decent amount done but forgot to take pics :(:(

Will have to remember next time
I didn't realise you had an allotment. I've become a little political on the subject.
In part the poor man/women having access to ground on which to grow food at a reasonable cost.
I didn't realise you had an allotment. I've become a little political on the subject.
In part the poor man/women having access to ground on which to grow food at a reasonable cost.
Yup, it was an absolute lifesaver during the Covid lockdowns. Before spending much of my time looking after mum I was living in my rented first floor studio flat. I spent most of the daylight hours either working in peopleā€™s gardens or on the allotment. Being able to go to the allotment during the various lockdowns absolutely saved my sanity. There was talk of not allowing access to allotments at one point. Iā€™m sure that would have caused a riot & I would definitely have still gone every day - it was 100% necessary to maintain good mental health. I cannot imagine how awful it must have been to go through lockdown in urban high rise flats & with all the criticism of peopleā€™s use of parksā€¦
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I took this week off to get some chicken things done, improvements expansions, and to build the turkey coop, and it is gorgeous out. I also want to get the garden beds ready, we still have a couple of cold nights head our way, so it is too early to plant, but it won't be long.

While we were out measuring and planning, there was a minor skirmish between Goldie and Spud, Blue charged in between them and immediately put a stop to it. I wish I had my camera, head up chest out, I was very impressed.
Yesterday was cockerel round up day. All 7 cockerels were caught, and taken by an acquaintance. They'll be ready in a few days. By far the hardest round up I've ever done. These birds have not been touched by a human once, their screams were otherworldly. Worse thing is, that this was in fact their unlucky day. I'm consoled by the fact that they've had a relatively good life. Compared to the supermarket birds, I'd much rather get a little heartbroken every time I have to send them to be butchered, rather than buying from the store. The plan was to give away three of the pullets, another acquaintance knew of some people interested in them. I ended up keeping all five pullets. With death, comes life, and this is the season of life. The same day, Cruella laid her first egg in her high up nest. She's getting ready for another round
Awoke to a sad thing this morning. Pinkie, known on this thread as our crowing hen, was dead under the roost. Her body was stiff, but otherwise, she looked perfect, as always, not a feather out of place, eyes closed. There wasn't poop on or under her, nor was she pecked, nor was anything else amiss in the coop.

Sorry for your loss.

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